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Hi people!

Just wanted to quickly check in with the Sona animation. It's almost done, just need to have the last part polished, because her bra won't be holding it for the pressure eheh
Also, audio will be added for the final release, again in the hands of SwellReads.

CLICK HERE to access the MEGA folder with the video in it!

Also I figured out what was wrong with the MEGA player, I started exporting in h.265 which is  newer video codec, and apparently it's not supported on it.
So I switched up again to h.264 and the video playbacks fine without the need to download it again!

Sorry for the inconvenience :x

Hope you have a great resto of the day/evening, wherever you are!
Cya soon!




That some intense chugging! Yet it also super cute. Wonderful work so far it coming along awesomely! Can’t wait to see once it completed!


This is gonna be fantastic! I can't wait to see you implement this level of quality with hose chugging!