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Hey there people!
Sorry for the quick post without any content, but I'm writing you now just before boarding my plane.

I wanted to quickly check in just to update you on what happened to me.
I went back to Italy during Christmas to see my family amd friends, but as unlucky as I've been, I've got Covid the very second day I got here.

That meant passing theese whole 2 weeks stuck at home, which was relaxing for sure, but at the same time a bummer as I couldn't meet any of my friends nor have any proper celebration for new years eeve too.
Very very unlucky....

Worst part, I came here to take a break from work and Patreon, but ended up just wishing I had brought my computer here so that I would have not wasted time but yeah.. I couldn't progress on any video cause I haven't brought my PC.

Luckily my health was not so affected, just got a few days of fever, but now I'm good, finally tested negative at the last moment so that I am able to go back to my house.

Well that's it tbh, just wanted to let you know I am not dead and once I'm back I'll get things running again.

I have recieved a good feedback on the last renders, which brought a few ideas in my head that will probably share soon.

In the meantime, I really hope you all had a better year start than me 😅

Have a nice day!!
Can't wait to go back yo production, i've recharged my fuel! :)

See you soon!!



Glad you survived covid and sad that it effected your trip so horribly. I hope things are better once you return!


Yeah, that's horrible about missing out on friends and family time. We are living through some crazy stuff right now. Take care and stay healthy! 👍


Yeah indeed, it has been a real bummer. Especially since I won't be able to meet my friends for some months again... But hey, safety first. Not much I could do :( Can't wait until this pandemic stuff gets sorted out for good!


I was lucky I think, or maybe it was the vaccine that helped how it affected me. But yeah, just few days with fever. But was positive throught my whole stay :( But I am still looking forward to the New year. Better things will come :)


I think we got another chunk of this to go through, but I can't wait either. Missing friends and family for this long is really rough.


Exactly... And also it's affecting how we interact irl a lot... Very weird time :(


At least you're okay, it's important to focus on your health first. If you ever need more time to recover don't be afraid to do so! :)


Sucks you got to experience Covid during holidays but glad to hear you're better :) Eager to see what you have for us too!

Gino Bagnino

I'm sorry for these sad holidays, but I'm happy that now you are ok