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Ehy there everyone!
Hope you are all doing fine!
Just wanted to share a few updates for the one that were wondering where the hell I am eheh

As you can see I still was unable to come back working on MMDFun, but there's a why.
I've started my new job and, in a few words, it's a full time night job (10pm-6am) which makes it pretty difficult to schedule stuff, especially right after moving to a new country.
Luckily it can be done from home at times, so that's a plus, but still I need to find a balance for everything.

I wanted to tell you that I WILL be coming back, and I do not plan to do it much later on.
I decided to take August as a free for me after moving just to even check out some stuff around here. In the meantime though, I've been testing new stuff and I may be near a Reiko v2.0 version to start with a completely new style.

Still need to spend more time it and customize better, but so far what do you think? :)

I need to understand to use this new software for our "needs", or how to properly export her to Blender. But still, so you rest assured, I have plan to come back and hopefully continue what I started with a new twist.

In the meantime, hope everyone is doing fine during this summer and took the needed relax!

Last thing, obviously I will pause the Patreon billing cycle for next month too, but really thank you for sticking in guys!
I was certain to lose support/interest in you after this pause, but you proved me wrong.
Even if billings were paused, seeing you stick around  here is keeping me wanting to come back so... thanks a lot, for realsies! <3

See you soon!



Good to see you still around. That work schedule just two hours difference from the five nights at freddys shift XD. Joke aside seems you plan to go more realistic with your works instead of past cartoon style. It can work just going be a bit tougher doing inflation/expansion works. Lastly I hope you are able to balance everything out and are able to come back to this when you can!


Thanks man! Yes, I want to go a bit more realistic, but still keep a kind of cartoon style features in the face mainly. Still, yeah, wanted to change things up a bit. Will see how it turns out 💪

Gino Bagnino

Hey MF! I'm really glad to read this, nice that it's all okay. Anyway, I like the new model of Reiko, but I need more renderings (and maybe a short video) to give you a better feedback 😉. I can't wait for your return, I miss your videos! Have a nice summer!