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Who said that Christmas isn't the best time of the year?
Especially when a Vid comes out in a few days!
Pumped Up Christmas is gonna be the next one ON AIR for YOU patrons! Eheh

For the cast we have our new and cute entry: Amane Yuki, who's gonna be dealing with some huge thing falling from the sky.
What is she going to find inside it?
And what would have had santa in mind for her Christmas?

Whatever she's going to find, I bet we're gonna see some good ones! :)

And.. Oh wait, is that.. Reiko?!
What is she doing here?!
Is she going to be involved with that huge present?
She seems to be.. spacing out?
I'm wondering if she saw something concerning! 

But to answer all of the questions I'm worried that we'll have to wait a little more :(

Now, onto the serious part of the post: the video is almost done, I've ended it and I'm just fixing small problems, the characters are starting to speak as you read this, and you're probably gonna get the video if not on Christmas -cause you know, holidays- surely around that time, so don't lose hope!

And with this, I'm willing to wish you all Merry Christmas, I hope you'll all be safe and happy even tho the year went as it went.
For the "Happy New Year" I'm sure we'll have time
See you soon! :)


Marko Sallmen

Ther will be at leat one good thing one christmas. She looks relly cute and i cant wait for it.

Gino Bagnino

She is cute! And I'm really looking forward for the video! P.s: Reiko! :O I'm really happy to see her again!