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Here we go with another render for the Patron DreamB4.
Thank you for the support!

He asked me for a continue to his last request, where marisa showed Ruby how to get up in the sky with some belly inflation technique.
Now it's time for her to try, and she seems really dedicated eheh

Then I had a question about the Tier setup I wanted to go for May
I had in mind, as said previously, to make little animations like the Puffster one as commissions. The cost would be around 35 Euros.
What I want to know from you is that if you like me to keep the 15Euros Tier for still renders or remove it.
Since I have limited time for the next months I think keeping both would make me able to work on 3 still renders + 2 little animations while working on 1 main animation per month.  Else, removing the still render ones would make it become 4 little animations while working on the main one. What do you think?

Would you all prefer making the upgrade directly to the animation ones, or you think it's better for me to keep up the still redner ones?

Thank you again to everyone who continues to support my work, I truly appreciate it and before the end of this month I should be able to deliver another little animation :)

Thank you all!
Have a nice day!




Awesome ^3^ Good to see Ruby knows what to do, and who knows she might even out grow Marisa XD Interesting to know the price, I would keep the 15 Euros one though it depends on what you do if you remove it or not.


She probably can outgrow her, she brought the full tank! Eheh No I think I'll keep the 15 tier. I just wanted to know if the most of you would just prefer opting for the 35 video one, resulting in an empty 15 tier.


Yup X3 Ah okay