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Today I am happy to announce that the upgraded version of the Shibbydex is now Live!

It should look very familiar on the face of it, but it has been completely overhauled behind the scenes to be even more stable and enable some awesome new features. This has been a long time coming, and been in the works for well over a year at this point.

First though, a huge thank you to Gluck and Sab, wonderful minions who have worked so hard to bring this about.

Here's what we've got for you:

(You can of course, also listen to me explain it)


Simple. Easy. Playlist Creation.

The first new project I want to show you all is the Playlist page that has been added to the ‘Dex. For now it is exclusive to beta supporters—My Devoted Pets—but soon enough I will make it available to everyone, on every tier.

When I embarked on creating my own website, one of the very first things I wanted was for it to have Playlist support. The ability to seamlessly drag and drop, shuffle and reshuffle, tweak and remake any and all combination of files possible. It’s taken a while but it’s finally here!

To list a broad summary of the new features:

  • Create and Save any combination of FilesAll playlists are saved to your account so you don’t need to worry about losing them. You can create as many as you want, so be creative!
  • Drag and Drop files from the Search menu or your Favorites listI have released a lot of files. A boatload of files in fact. So being able to search on the fly with keywords, or by your saved favorites should make playlist creation a breeze.
  • Share them with the Community!I wanted the process of sharing your creations with anyone as easy as possible. Once you’ve Saved your playlist it is as simple as clicking the “Share” button, and copying the link from the Popup. You also have the option to forward them to the App of your choosing if you like. I can’t wait to see what creations you all come up with.
  • Import Popular PlaylistsJust like the share function, it should be incredibly easy to import a playlist you like the look of, and save it to your own account, or even make tweaks to it if you want. It is as simple as pasting the url into your browser, and then you can “Copy the playlist” to your account, or you can “Edit” it to your heart’s content if you’d like. Change the title, tweak the ordering of files or replace files entirely. Once you’re done, just click the “Save” button.
  • New Media Player / Visualizations To go along with the new Playlist page there is also a brand new audio visualization media player. It features a much larger sliding time-bar for when you need to readjust your position in the audio. You can also still loop individual files just like on the regular player, but now you can also press the forward and back arrows to go to the “Next” or “Previous” file on your list. Finally and by far my favorite part of the new player are the visualizations! I really think it will help immerse you even Deeper Down into my silky voice.

Haptic Revamp

More Control. More Connectivity. More Devices.

Haptic support is something I am hugely proud of on the Shibbydex. And I have heard all the tweaks and suggestions which the community have been crying out for. So now the Profile page has been reworked to include brand new tools to make the experience feel just right for you.

This is enabled and available for everyone right away!

So I encourage everyone to go check it out:

  • Uses Intiface App connectivityFrom now on, connecting to haptics on the ‘Dex will require you to start up the Intiface App. Fortunately, it is very, very easy to use, with absolutely no setup required. Simply download Intiface from the Google Play or Apple Store depending on your device. Once installed, click the big green “Play” button. Then just have it running in the background for as long as you want to stay linked to the ‘Dex.windows / mac / Linux Intiface Central Android Google Play Store ios Apple Store
  • Automatically connectsThere is now no need to click the little Haptic button on each file. Once you’ve synced your device with Intiface and the ‘Dex it will automatically connect and the symbol will turn green. Meaning you can switch between files at your leisure, saving you loads of hassle and setup.
  • Adjustable power strength settingsDepending on the device, a lot of the haptic patterns can be rather intense. Now you have the ability to lower the vibrations to a level you’re comfortable to enjoy the entire experience to the end before things get a bit too much.
  • Programmable adjustable Haptic DelayHaving the pattern stay perfectly synced to the audio is crucial, and depending on your connection stability and strength you might run into the issue that the pattern is ahead of or behind what you’re listening to. You can now add an artificial delay to the haptics to compensate for bad connections to the device and still stay synced the whole time.
  • Multiple Simultaneous Device supportFor a while now I have experimented with creating different files that are designed to be used with multiple devices at the same time. Now, with the stability of Intiface, this feature can be fully supported and integrated into future creations.
  • A Roadmap towards Apple and IOS support

One of the main benefits of moving to a haptic system that uses Intiface is we can finally support Apple and IOS. It is on the Intiface feature roadmap, but unfortunately at this stage you can’t yet connect browsers with one of these devices. The ‘Dex team are just waiting on an imminent App update, then support should be enabled automatically.



Coming Soon.

(I promise!)

The final project in the works has been fully integrating Calendars into the ‘Dex. Thanks to the completely overhauled backend we can now do some pretty exciting things with them!

Watch this space

We’re getting close now to having this project ready for beta testing; the audios themselves are created but the code is still being implemented. However with the finalizing of other projects in recent days the team are now coming together to complete this asap. So watch this space… I’m hoping to have my first new calendar—all about chastity—released by the end of this month.

Community Feedback

Create. Share. Discuss.

I love listening to and receiving feedback from you all, so while the Playlists are in beta and the new haptic support is released, I encourage everyone to discuss and share your thoughts and opinions.

  • Start Sharing your Creations!

I can’t wait to see what playlist creations everyone comes up with. So please share them freely across Reddit (r/ShibbySays), Discord (#playlist-hub) etc.

Bugs and Issues

Unfortunately with such large site-wide changes unforeseen problems are always a possibility, despite internal testing and mitigation. So through this initial roll-out period we’d kindly ask you to be patient and understanding with the new functionality on the site, and to actively report any issues or bugs you might encounter.

Please reach out to the dev-team at the links below with any problems:

Discord: #the-shibbydex-project channel.

Email: Shibbydex@gmail.com.


Sean D

Thanks for adding the iOS support, I know it hasn't been easy to find a good solution there.


I’ve been here for along time I’m so glad to see how far you’ve came and how much everything has evolved for you. Your audios just amazing. Keep going…can’t wait to see what the future holds.


Hello. I understand it is only day 2 for the new version. Is it possible that the max2 is incompatible? Havent had success connecting. Other devices have connected fine.


Intiface Central is not compatible with older android phones so i can not use shibbydex after the rewamp so i am sad and going to have to cancel my membership since this change makes the shibbydex unusable wit my phone now :(


Initface central doesnt seem to work with max2 :(


I think this website works with max2. Just download the haptic script and audio file and rename the file from .mp3 to .mp4 https://funscript-player.vercel.app/