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A little something I am working on today - I intend to make a F4M and  F4F version of it.

Title isn't set in stone. 



This is off-topic, and I hate to keep being redundant over and over again, but I am seeing 18K. The hits keep coming. Am I surprised? Not any more. What does that feel like? It must be very satisfying, on a deep level. On multiple levels. I was checking out your list of content, the titles, the other day. That is a lot of content. And a lot of free content. Enough free content to keep even the most submissive submissive basking in submissive heaven for a very long time. We'll have to throw a party at 20K, and pop a bottle of champagne.


love this, cant wait for you to record it


Working on it now, changing the name to something more about demons though.


I want snaps!


This is going to be AMAZING