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I am being told to change my tiers up a little bit, and you will notice some tweaking to my patreon page over the next few weeks as I ensure I am in tune with their guidelines, particularly the ones involving individual rewards.

I have been holding off on posting too much on here until this is all settled, so be sure to check out my subreddit r/shibbysays, for files I am releasing for free, and to sign into your discord rewards so you can access relevant discord channels where I will be posting links to some new files I have made in the meantime.

I have about 8 files lined up and ready to go- So please bear with it all and I'll be playing in your mind again soon. 



Please provide link of all audio of above 10 $ patron , of all times


You are always playing in my mind, Domina! Your files are never one- and-done.


Finally some information.

Troy R

I can only imagine how the rules keep tightening. We know you're doing what you can, Domina.