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All characters are meant to be drawn in anthro form c:



rikki with the biggest of dicks he he


Looks like we all know what we're here for... Good-oh.


Kinda sad to me that female Rikki isn't winning by a massive margin.


Aha, I see the herm fans have 'taken advantage' of their lack of options, concentrating their voting power while everyone else is divided uselessly amongst their more plentiful options. Just as a conjecture on democratic processes, and not a critique on your system, this system appears to favor a minority of your audience. Definitely not an overall bad thing, the will of the minority ought not be entiery ignored. But if all future polls were to go like this, it is likely that a majority of people would become dissatisfied. So, to the question: Would a more fair system be to 1) vote male/female/herm seperately from character and combine the results; 2) a system where only a certain number of suggestions are allowed of each sex available; 3) suggestions for character only, sex either determined by artist, or edits made for all three sexes of the one character; 4) other, because I'm certainly no expert on political theory, just a weirdo musing at 3:30am.


Don’t worry! I’ll be drawing the most voted, not only herm rikki!


herm rikkie would have a vag too