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Hey, folks. Disgusting lazy boy here.
I've been extremely busy last several months, mostly with working on a building site of my house day and, sometimes, night. Sorry for disappearing on that sad summertime again. I'll do my best to make up the wasted time with a lot of juicy content. This month there will be mostly experimental stuff. I'll start to make more patreon-oriented things on the next month.
I've got back to my old workflow, which is, in my opinion, far better than the way of work I used on my last big pieces. Judging from comments, some people didn't enjoyed new style much and I'm kinda agree with them.
Futanari/Girl becoming one of mine main fetishes, so you probably can expect a lot of that sort of content. I also started series of paintings TeenFuta. The name is self explanatory, I guess.
I'm learning how to animate too, which I'm going to use for creating hentai games when it comes to that. I'm pretty excited about new animated stuff. Need to start to remember how to code.
Big thank you for people who decided to stay here and very sorry for being a huge let down over and over again.

See you soon.



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