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Hello wonderful people! I hope you all enjoyed a little break because here comes another chapter!

I hope you have a great read and a day!




Thanks for the chapter~! Good, Delta found the LAN. Brute-force the gateway access, jump on the WAN and infect the mainframes. Fairplay just gave a whole bunch of sentient evolving CONSUMING mana access to all of their captured Cores. ...wonder if THAT would give Delta remote access to all those juicy frozen/dead Dungeons that Fairplay took out...

Benedict Beale

This chapter was truly epic


Access is not nearly as media makes it out to be. To do it it needs to actually have a remote access to begin with. It could be entirely wired.


You know it’s for real when the deez nutz jokes get thrown out


When the next chapter


Yay! No riot today :P

Daniel Gesualdi

I really want a short interlude where the Fair Play morons shit bricks. As soon as they realize how pointless the effort was the doc should walk out the front door fresh as a dassie guided by alpha chattering way. Just to rubb it in that they are worthless.

Daniel Gesualdi

Also how is NU going to take missing an actual invasion?


Last we saw Nu he had been intended to return soon.


We got some foreshadowing just now actually. Delta's super-bosses are linked to Nu, probably as a way to buffer her from the emotional side effects of what they're actually capable of.


It'll be fun when they try to send the next group in and find out they're already dead.


8 days waiting. I still believe in yoou.