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In about 15-30 minutes, I'll be doing my to do an all day epic thing. I write on Discord live to an audience and currently doing a small donation thing if while I write I get £30 over the course of the day, I'll do a special interlude and maybe other things.

If you just wanna join in and vibe then I'll link the discord link.

You'll find me here on my channel on this particular bit for live writing! Drop by and lurk or say hi!

Here's hoping for at least 3 chapters in the next 24-48 hours!

edit: whoops




Edited in the actual discord link... ^^


Frick, class is about to start so I can't join. 😭😭😭😱😱😱 though the chapters are more an anticipated. 😢😢


The author, creator of delta, responded and wrote to me. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Really wanted to watch, sucks to be at work right now