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Hey guys! Been a small while, took a little break to get myself freshened up and so here is a brand new chapter fully done!

I'm also working on a map but due to the 'changes' in the floor by Delta, it might be done by next chapter or one after that depending on upgrades and changes!

Other than, you're all amazing so I hope you have a blast.




Ahhhhhh Can't wait! Thanks for the chapter! So fucking epic!


An observation, the liteunant says there are five groups outside to Ruli. But Nu says there are four more outside to Mharia, did I misunderstand something?

Carl Mason

I also still want the fourth floor to be a mix of the pit of ill omen and a link to the past. It would be an incredibly cool floor.


Stewie, why do you do this to us?! Love this story so much, I’m always thrilled to see the newest chapter is out. Also, I just love it when Delta gets tough with her delvers, I love the ensuing, carnage that they only make worse when they try and fight their way out - makes me think that there must be a pun in there for her to use devil’s snare somewhere - perhaps delta’s snare?

Daniel Gesualdi

General question what dose Nu's mana feel like since delta is sunshine and hugs and mushrooms


Amazing as always, can't wait to see what Delta conjures up


I think it'd be hilarious if you keep implying jellagon and hellagon, etc are the same person and never show more than one at a time so everyone (all the readers and Delta) are sure they're the same monster then in like 30 chapters reveal that they are different monsters that are just siblings that look alike.


... then they do the dbz fusion crab dance. Results vary.


Nu feels like gym mats, disdain, and sitting in a restaurant you can't afford to eat at.

Carl Mason

“I have no self-control,” she said brightly to no one. Why am i picturing the HSN version of "this is fine".


I pray that one FairPlay was decent and survived Delta’s grace

Daniel Gesualdi

Just re read the chapter and realized that mharia is an awful sadistic person..... And I'm strangely looking forward to how she torments fair play.

matthew gilley

I thought nu would call in a favor and have Fairplay destroyed outright. Grimm grandpa could do it. So could Holly & Isabella