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Hello my little crumpets! Enjoy this helping of epic!

still debating on a chapter title...




Ohh those poor sods. I felt bad for them when it was just Delta annoyed at them. Now it's Nu without parental supervision... Someone is going to get seriously hurt.

Joel Bullock

Fuck yes I am so ready to watch these fools crash and burn. I hope the silent cloak guy turns out to be a friend


Love it! Couple errors in one passage I thought you might want to fix- ““Now, esteemed ‘guests’,” she said, voice dripping with abrupt NOBLE disdain that made Hazhur uncomfortable and Estal’s cheeks ((to is unnecessary here)) turn red in anger. Thanks, Stewie!!! Loving your work 💙😸💜


Delta is going to be so sad/mad that she missed a dungeon dive! Hope Nu records it for her 😹


I find it hilarious that the assholes who will probably finally get a real dungeon experience out of Delta, unknowingly completed the first challenge when it wasn't active.


Nu is about to have some fun.


Can't wait for them to meet Waddles The (potential) Overlord. P.S. get Waddles a swan girlfriend.


How about ‘Fools’?


Nu should create a Mini Theatre where people can Watch Blooper Reels of Delvers funniest (and most embarrassing and painful) incidents in the Dungeon. Although Dungeon Delvers can only watch Clips of places they have already passed through and done, no spoilers that can help them get through without them trying their best and discovering things in their own. Could make the Theatre Room as part of the Pub (in the first floor) and semi hidden in rest area's in the other floors (Floors 2 and below), they just have to figure out how to access it in them.


Print going to end up with a Small Chapel/Church dedicated to the Order of Silver in the Dungeon somewhere, especially once they figure out that Delta has visited Silver's exDungeon and partially Activated & Claimed it. Might end up with a new Contracted being in the Dungeon, possibly also even become a place of Pilgrimage for the Order?


Technically because of the warnings it could possibly be classified as 'Self Harm'.


Delta's is going to need to fix her Puzzle Door to make harder for someone to Break In like that, and also add a Consequence if they try, better yet two, one for when they try to break in (something like being sprayed with Gut Rot Juice with other Mushrooms mixed for added industrial strength Sneezing&Itching effects, as well as foul smelling and tasting), and the second consequence is the increase of the difficulty once they do enter the Dungeon.


Looks like they got lucky and avoided angering The Pot Man, Japes, when they decided not to attract him. But the fact that he was seen collecting Mushrooms might mean he plans to meddle by adding them to Delta?


This is exactly the sort of thing I was looking forward to. A blind dive of Delta's Defective Dungeon of Doom by people with neither the will nor the inclination to play along. I'm going to savor the next few chapters. Here's hoping they don't take the Silver's advice. Maestro's not the type to let philistines go uneducated.


Is the Order of Silver made up of Silver's monsters?


NuHaHaHaHaHaHaaaaa! 😈


Pfft fools, I need some popcorn when I read about this train wreck of a dungeon dive. I want to how high they can get the rage meter for Nu and delta, and will we see Nu do so thing like a mister burn/ villainous reaction when test subjects walk through their traps.


This is going to be fun to watch bwahaha; couldn't happen to a better person than that "murderhobo dude who wanted to kill the 'potter' 🤣, as if he could!"

D J Meigs

An idea for the chapter title: "Nu bait"