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Interlude: Death Pips in

Perhaps it wasn't the best idea. Jack hadn't really given it much thought. Leaping onto the jug of troll soup was an urge before any thought. Jack saw the jug, the boiling shit that he himself had once been forced to drink from... the burning nightmare that he had come to call it.



No problem man. Just happy to see you back at it!


Thought contact-ees cost 200dp or something to respawn? Was in a much earlier chapter.


Glad to see you back Stew. How is it going IRL?


Just read the whole thing. It's pure awesome condensed into a fireworks factory set ablaze by your imagination. Your great Stew.

D J Meigs

You're back!!! Now to read more dungeon goodness!

D J Meigs

Could be Delta paid and it takes 5 days to actually respawn, none of the other monsters respawn immediately.


I have a feeling Pathfinder(Sam's Sheep) is going to be a running gag in your stories Stew.

Alan McBrayer

The world is crazy because the gods are just imperfect people giving it the old college try is wonderful. Death occasionally taking a nap is the best reason for plot Armour I've ever heard.


Stewie. Is it ok that i take over? If i made 1.5k a month for 4 chapters a week... also you are fired if you continue to put in 1/4 effort into your work. Just saying what my supervisor said when i pointed out you make more money than me for one fourth of the effort you promised.


Jack = new MC?