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Interlude Princess: Dungeon Education

The money from the bank that got Mas a better sword and even some armour was well spent in Serma's opinion. There was always an issue of buying a growing boy equipment but he seemed skilled in the sword enough that his size barely slowed his own strikes. "Thank ye kindly, Princess.



So many teaser secrets revealed.


Thank you!

D J Meigs

I have so many new questions...!


thank you for the chapter! Are you feeling better?


Well then... that answered some questions but mostly makes me want to ask more. Lorsa seems incredibly powerful! Give her a solid mana supply and she's unbeatable!


Holy shit, the implications of every revelation in this chapter is huge! Delta might not be safe from the knights after all.

Alan McBrayer

Gotta say I love how much delta us changing things and a bit of backstory on how she came to be a dungeon. However I really don't like Yal referring to the system as "Sis" or "Sister" as if they had been doing so for years. It invalidates the best line from the story thus far: "I am Sis... a female sibling. A...family member. I’ve never been family before. Tool. Curse. Power. God. Devil. Chains. Freedom. Annoying boxes. Path to the True End. Never family.”

D J Meigs

actually I've been rereading everything, and there's a chapter (68) where there's this passage in Sys' pov: "Sys peered into the hatch with wide eyes and a huge smile. Then she looked over the ‘floor’ of her space. The hundred of thousands of hatches of different sizes and colours all briefly lit up from the darkness. They were Sys. But... she could always pretend for a while longer." My theory is the God Sister can sort of "split her mind" to be the system for different dungeons (the hatches) and these bits grow with the dungeon until they gain the consciousness to be Sister again. I'd say Delta's Sys is taking over as the main considering the orange pop ups in Yal's dungeon, but originally most systems are very mechanical so it could be that that sentence is true, she's never been treated as a cherished family member before.


Remember that sis made a dungeon messaging system, lol.