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In progresss! was a bit tired so may be more mistakes than usual.


93: A King's Grudge

Lordy Mushy awaited Delta's answer. "Pretend to be a Dungeon?" Delta repeated the question. She honestly should be proud the she was considered 'not a Dungeon' by Deo. She eyed the group. Kemy, the girl that almost made Delta wish she had a pitfall just so Kemy couldn't leave, was looking not...


D J Meigs

so soon???! Thank you!


Why do so many people with power act so stupid? Between fear of losing their power (political, financial, spiritual, or whatever) and maintaining their fragile egos they always end up making things worse.


Think of it this way the average citizen of Durence has enough power to level a city when they have mana. What if hundreds or thousands of said people with potential unstable minds because of thier own power start regaining thier power? What would you do for your kingdom?


Why does alf far sound so familiar?


Because he's Alpha.


So that's alpha, beta, and Delta then? Almost looks like some kind of pattern, but I can't quite make it out......


And the third one decided to go with the name Bob. Just to be different.