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Nearly 3000 words already phew


Chapter 90: The Dungeon and her Village

High note... strummed slowly into a long trill. The swell of hope as the notes became a song of light and wind... only to countered the sudden mountain of challenge. Isanella let her fingers tell the story and her ears listen. Her lute was not even close to the most magical musical item she had ...



How about [A]> {my memories are also beginning too becoming less dim and grainy, too become whole and clear again” she sighed.}


It looks like my comment on Lavatories being needed to be added to the Floors before the Adventurers begin to arrive in large numbers that I made in the SpaceBattles Forum might have been noticed. :)


There should be several. One next to the fishing hole, one in the hidden room behind the waterfall, and a couple more near her scariest creatures. Cuz the adventurers will be having accidents, I think.


still out of home but can't help reading chaps when one is out :o


I like what you have so far, though the dungeon still seems inordinately flammable. I was worried for a minute when Smalls made the apple symbol 3 pronged...thought he might be a baddie, which would be sad since I like Smalls.


Hey stewie! I'm really loving all these chapters and am, at this moment, in no way displeased. Have you ever heard of Cosimo Yapp? As long as you are fulfilling the patreon commitment, i wouldnt make promises on when things are gonna get done. Gives me flashbacks.


Uh oh! Kemy's going back to Delta's!


thanks for the chapter!!