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Interlude: Popping the Question

She could do this. The front door was open and the setting sun set her front garden ablaze with oranges and reds. Poppy didn't look at how her mother's flowers seemed to be almost luminescent in the ambient light, how the bees and butterflies hurried to make the most of the dying light.



Heh, the "nyeh"s remind me of Himiko from Danganronpa V3. I don't know if that's intentional or not, but that is now my headcanon image of poppy.


You tease! This is exactly what Quiss and Ruli are searching for: Durence history and it's secrets right there in Poppy fingers and she doesn't even look inside. And of course, Ruli wouldn't be caught dead in this place and Quiss is probably wary of the place for some mage reason. And Paige Turner (I face palmed at that one)... at least she bare the name with panache. A very interesting character and Tom is not bad either. I am very curious at the relation between Paige and Grim: one seems made of books, the other eat them... Paige having a huge dislike for him and Grim... have a even bigger crush on her.


I do wonder if anyone else has figured out why the book store is so wierd and why Paige never "faded" ?? :3


My guess would be that it's not actually particularly tied to Durence, the storefront being like a bag of holding or the school.


I'd imagine she'd not let a fire Mage into her shop with all the books. An accident waiting to happen.


When Von states "Not. Even. Once.". what is he referring to? Seems like it is referencing a sentence that was removed.