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Frame Trap Question Submissions

This weeks guest will be Isla! 

Unfortunately no Don though this week so if you've got any questions for him save them for next time.

Topics this week include Sea of Thieves, Rogue Legacy 2, Demon Throttle, The Sandman (tv show) and more! 

- As always please keep your questions, thoughts, or ideas focused and brief. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon.

Thank You!



Good morning, I keep seeing older games being remastered and then seeing people talk about what other games they would like to see get the same treatment. One game I have yet to see mentioned is Alundra, it is one of my favorite Zelda like games. What other games would the allies like to see get more love that just haven't for some reason? Thanks, Brandon


For Isla. The Sandman top five outfits.