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the lines from AN-94 mod3? I entered the IOP wiki, but only Chinese quotes were written there. What I want is an in-game English dialogues.


The line 1: 眼较变以更凌厉得了我变…了前厉...…型号应该是相同的,会产生这种感觉,应该是因为我直视您的场合变得更多了吧

(google translation : The eyes have changed to be sharper and I have changed... the front is sharp... the model should be the same, and this feeling is probably because I have more occasions to look directly at you.)

.......umm, an94 mod3 exists in the global server, right..?



Yeah, she is in the global server. The line you are mentioning is "You say my eyes have grown sharper than before... The model of my eyes should still be the same. The reason why you feel that way is probably because I'm looking you in the eyes more often now." What other lines would you like?


That was exactly what I wanted. That's all I need Thank you!!