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[ Commander shoots with K2 ]

I was going to draw one by one, but somehow the scale got bigger. It's faster if I finish it as soon as I think about it. But since I've been drawing every 2-4 days, I rolled my head in between and think, "Oh, this would be fun." That makes story, and story increases more page.

But I have some free time these days, so I think I can draw one or two a week if possible. I'll be back next week.

And the weather is weird around the world these days. It's pretty hot in Korea right now, but sometimes I hear shocking news when I watch the news. Canada, China, Germany, Japan.. Abnormal high temperatures and floods..

I hope the place where you live is safe. Take care.




can't wait to see your works 😀 and take care for your self too buddy


imperior system lol


Yeah the weather and climate's only gonna get worse as the years go on and there's very little the average person can do to stop or even slow it. Best we can do it weather it the best we can Looking forward to your next works and stay safe too!


Metric system FTW!!