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We are obviously starved of water most of the time in semi-arid Los Angeles, so when we have a particularly wet winter, us photographers get excited to be able to see some raging water so close to home (although I imagine models might be a bit more ambivalent - hopeful to maybe get some good images with a waterfall, but wondering if they will freeze to death) as the water pours down the canyons out of the nearby mountains.  This particular waterfall is only about 25 minutes from my house, and a very short hike so its generally pretty busy with people, even when its barely running.  The creek was so high that the trail was totally submerged in places, and it was a weekday morning, which may have contributed to us finding no one at the falls at all. When a hiker finally did come through, she was obviously an old hippie lady (who Moss helped over the last big rock to actually get to the falls) and was totally cool with us shooting nudes of Dahlia Datura there (the lady said "Just don't expect ME to get naked in the cold water!"). 



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