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Hey everyone,

So, Patreon's finally done it! In a previous post, I briefly mentioned how early access is finally a thing, and Patreon is calling it charging upfront for pledges.

Now, if you're a veteran supporter, this doesn't really affect you much unless you're planning on changing your pledge amount in the future (if so, read on! Otherwise, just take some time to oggle Jessica ;D )

For the newer supporters (or if you're reading this and are not yet a supporter), then here's the skinny:

Before, pledging on Patreon meant you'd pick a pledge amount, hit the "become a Patron" button, then wait around until the next month's billing cycle for your pledge to actually be charged and then finally receive your pledge rewards/tier access.

Now, with the new charge upfront feature, that waiting is a thing of the past. When you pledge, you'll be charged instantly, I'll be notified of your pledge, and will be free to send you pledge rewards as soon as I'm able to (which is generally within a few hours the latest after you pledge, me being the internet fiend that I am, I'm always around the computer).

Awesome, right? I'd like to think so :)

Now, there is one disclaimer I did notice that I do think should be highlighted. And that's on how charging future pledges is handled.

Simply put, future pledges will still always be charged at the beginning of the next month. So, for example, say you'd make a pledge of $5 on the 28th of May, you will be charged instantly and I'll be sending you your pledge reward shortly after. Just be aware that on the first of the next month (in this example, that'd be June 1st), you'll be charged $5 again, this time for the monthly reward for that month, and then you'd continue to be charged the first of the month as usual.

And, that's about it. There's some more information on the whole thing heading over to this link:


If you have any questions on this, or any other stuff related to Balloondolls, just hit me up with a message!

- BD



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