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EDIT: Whoops, almost forgot the suggestion submissions link: https://fabpharmalabs.survey.fm/2021-ver-06-suggestion-submission

"It would seem I have hit a pretty rare intercepted message, will send it your way soon as I decrypt it as best I can"

- Agent S

Hello everyone,

This briefing is coming in very late, I know. Things have not been great lately on the RL front.

As I posted a few days back, my mother was sent into the ER with stroke symptoms. After hospitalization, CAT scans and xrays thankfully showed no stroke. 

However, the episodes have continued repeating, resulting in lapses of absolute confusion and other mental maladies I won't go into much detail here, so while the doctors figure things out, they will be continuing.

As you can all imagine, my mother's health is at a rather perilous point, so I really want to give thanks to everyone who has reached out with well wishes. Times are hard, and I considered pausing work for some time, but in all honesty the world of FabPharma and the work that comes with it are one of my few places of respite in these torrid times.

And so, work continues. I'm not entirely sure if I can hit the end of the month date for ver.06, but rest assured it will be out as soon as its ready to go.

But, let's talk about ver.05 and what's coming up in ver.06, shall we?

First off, this month's render bulk was dedicated to Emi and Fuki indulging in some rather unreal foreplay, and Emi really surprised Fuki with just how much work she's put into training her nipples just for her!

Emi and Fuki will continue going at it in ver.06 ;)

The second set of renders is focused on something I teased a little bit ago, a Cali remake! While I've progressively updated her along the years, I'm at the point I felt I wanted to really kick it up a notch and do a full rework of the character. And what better way to show it off than by uncovering some of her origins dating back to Welcome to Unreality?

Also, be sure to check out the upcoming post (like right away upcoming, will be going up after I finish this briefing) with an intercept from Cali's journal detailing these events a little more in depth!

Speaking of remakes, there's someone else I feel has been in need of one for some time now, and that's Dyna. I'll just leave this here in the meantime...

Will Dyna be in ver.06? We'll see ;)

In other things, I mentioned last month I wanted to explore the idea of developing some standard outfits for each of the girls, starting with Hitome.

This is yet another up and coming project that may make it to ver.06, as I've been working on some outfit ideas and narrowed it to some I've been developing (yet didn't make to rendering just yet):

First off, a more regular sort of sexy nurse:

And second off, a more elaborate concept ;D

Still working out on all the bells and whistles for these, but Hitome should be ready to show them off (and subsequently take them off ;P ) very soon!

That about covers things for now. Again thank you all for your ongoing support, kind words, likes, downloads, etc. Your support is awesome!

So for now, stay tuned for polls, and a very special Cali journal post!

- bd



Brittany Bovine

I like the concept of uniforms for the girls! It kinda normalizes them, but still shows off their massive assets. I would just recommend giving some level of realism to the outfits. For example, while most nurses have pockets in their shirt, if a women’s breast literally overshadow those pockets, would they really exist on the outfit? Plus, I know it’s hard, but wearing underwear (bras or panties) maybe harder to hide with outfits that don’t fit as well 😜


I love the story has nice depth is to read and didn't lose any interest