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Rebecca, who usually prefers going as Becky, was born into the old wealth of the Chadvich Energy Company family's empire.

With not a care in the world, Becky lived an idle if mostly sheltered life up to her mid-teens. Being expected to become a proper lady within the social elite, she was primed and educated to avoid excess and exhibit proper decorum worthy of a "polite society".

Things took a sharp turn when her parents met an untimely end while touring one of their newest nuclear facilities. After the freak accident, Becky found herself the sole heir and very young head of the massive energy company.

Naive and sheltered, Becky was completely alien to the company's workings, and the company board almost immediately began plotting her removal. Their schemes were suddenly halted when Rebecca's lone uncle, Sebastian, came into the picture. A carefree soul much like Rebecca, Sebastian had shunned the family's riches and responsibility to pursue life in the open seas as a ship captain. Yet, upon hearing of his late brother's passing and Becky's plight, he rushed to her side and became her guardian, helping her get her affairs in order to stave off the company board's machinations.

Always encouraging, Sebastian urged Becky to pursue higher learning, something the budding and now unrestrained girl never truly took a liking to. Blessed with newfound freedom under the care of her uncle, partying and exploring her young life were at the forefront of her interests, with studies coming in dead last. 

It would be no of surprise when she failed all her classes repeatedly into her twenties. With exorbitant donations having been the sole reason for her stay, Rebecca was finally forced to drop out of college. Developing an unrepentant streak, she wore the countless complaints of lewdness, raucousness, and indecency on campus as badges of honor.

Around this time, Becky began to dabble in cosmetology, quickly finding she had quite a knack for beautification. Spurred on by social media, she began practicing and studying it in earnest, beginning to develop a fascination with cosmetic surgery along the way as she marveled at the possibilities in which people could enhance or completely alter their looks. In her eyes, this possibility for changing herself into whatever she dreamed of became her driving passion.

However, the sudden health troubles of her uncle would yet again shake Rebecca's life. Fulminated by an unidentified illness, Sebastian's condition deteriorated in a matter of days, passing on the day Rebecca was to turn 21.

Heartbroken and vulnerable, Becky found herself fully unrestrained — and, due to her uncle's foresight, with a massive and disposable trust fund that would secure Becky's company shares and profits to do as she wished — and attempted to drown out the pain of his passing by keeping herself in a constant state of distraction: a blur of concerts, parties, one-night stands, anything the city could muster that could keep her mind occupied and her body in joyful motion. 

A year or so later, she and a few of her girlfriends drunkenly stumbled into the Wintergreen Pachyderm. A hot spot for the corporate elite, the adult entertainment club soon left Rebecca marveling at the amoral debauchery found within, and the wildly enhanced dancers that entertained its patrons. On a dare, Becky quickly found herself in a private room experiencing these enhancements first-hand with a pair of balloon-breasted dancers, their pneumatic and hyper-feminized physiques completely enthralling her.

That hazy evening awoke new passions and desires within Becky. Almost overnight, her curiosity and interest with cosmetic surgery became full blown fascination as she developed an obsession with implants and body part enlargement, quickly becoming a club regular as she visited her favorite dancers and showered them with questions and adoration. This obsession quickly blossomed into a burning, rampant want: having been a willowy girl her entire life, the nigh-unreal curves she saw in the club left her slathering for attaining some for herself as well. And, being of ludicrously affluent beginnings, what Becky wanted, she would eventually get.

A week or so later, it was as if fate itself had answered her call when she received an envelope emblazoned with the double helix of the FabPharma corporation, inviting her to take part in an exclusive medical trial with the goals of redefining body enhancement through gene editing to unheard-of limits. 

The trial's proposal started off with a lofty pitch: "Your self: redefined, redesigned". Rebecca devoured the literature accompanied with the invitation extolling the benefits of FabPharma's mysterious new trial drug, Nereidyl, "A marriage of imagination and physical re-invention". 

She was fully sold on the pitch, and soon after made her way to the Corporation's Main Headquarters.


Arriving at FabPharma, she was kindly greeted and soon put through the testing process for this upcoming trial. A day later, she was sitting opposite of the corporation's head of science and medical research, Dr. Charles Krieger, eagerly awaiting her results.

Her hopes were quickly checked when Dr. Krieger deemed her unfit for the trial. Her genome was "incompatible", he had said, too prone to instability if exposed to the processes the corporation aimed to test. 

Having read the trial's proposal and goals over and over since she had received the corporation's invitation, and the promises it held in having anyone achieve any sort of body they dreamed of, Rebecca could not take no as an answer. She flat-out refused Dr. Krieger's diagnosis, demanding an audience with the head of FabPharma itself if need be to state her case for admission. 

After weeks of negotiations, and ultimately a massive donation from her trust fund, Rebecca got what she wanted: FabPharma agreed to her entry in the trial.

The initial results were everything she could have imagined, and much more. What initially seemed as rather standard cosmetic procedures enlarging Becky's breasts to her specifications quickly evolved into the fantastic as Nereidyl applications allowed her to almost instantly recover from surgery. The satisfactory outcome not only pleased the Corporation greatly, but spurred her own desires well beyond her initial limits, quickly demanding to be allowed in the trial's more extensive stages where Nereidyl's use became much more extensive.

Her development soon went from mundanely impressive to fantastically unreal, her trips to and from FabPharma HQ for treatment becoming more frequent, her stay more extended, as she gladly surrendered herself fully to her transformational desires, the reed-like young woman rapidly evolving into a toned vixen with tight curves and massively overfilled breasts. 

Elated by her evolution, Rebecca delighted herself in the absolute awe and gawking stares of the general public every time she went outside. Never in her life had her looks caused such a reaction to such a degree, specially when men and women alike couldn't help but fixate on her incredibly augmented bosom, a prospect that thrilled the young woman to no end, further fueling her craving for expansion.

These desires were not completely unknown to the board of the Chadvich Energy Company. As Rebecca sank into her Nereidyl-laced obsessions, her frequent nightly outings as she partied with the city's jetset crowd growing her clout in step with her ever-expanding breasts,  the board saw an opportunity for scandal and quickly moved to sever her from her company stake. Through underhanded means and the greasing of a few judges' palms , their goals were soon achieved and Becky was quickly cut off from the company, as well as the trust fund she had come to solely rely upon.

Branded as a hopeless nymphomaniac, relationships dissolved while her funds waned and vanished, but she seemed positively unfazed, completely lost in the carnal enjoyment of her body. Financial independence apparently continued unabated as countless suitors showered her with gifts and adulation in hopes of getting a taste of the Chadvich ex-heiress.

It was at this time that FabPharma swiftly presented Rebecca with a uniquely tantalizing offer: they would allow her into higher, more "ambitious" levels of the trial: she was to receive larger and larger doses of Nereidyl, which would spur her expansion to levels that couldn't have been realistically conceived of without the aid of this new substance, and Rebecca would become a permanent fixture within the corporation's experimentation wing. Should she accept, the corporation would fully fund her needs from then on, regardless of the trial's outcome.

Becky was quick to accept. Things were beginning to get boring, and she wanted so much more...




Really like the new backstory for Becky. A nice spin on the implant enthusiast trope and really well written 👍

Ree Mcgee

love the detail put into this. awesome. cant wait to see backstories for the other girls too!