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TO: Dr. Nicholas Krieger

SENDER: Dr. Albert Platz

Continued interviewing of Nurse Nakamura has proven to be... rather complicated.

Whether it is due to the subject subconsciously attempting to block out the events of her encounter with the Nereid Specimen, or the specimen itself having had some part in shrouding her recollection, Nurse Nakamura's interviews continue to dwell on her fascination with Lab Tech Ruiz before devolving into a gushing, swelling mess. We have already had to fully flush and sterilize her quarters twice over, no easy task as you may know...

My recommendation, Dr. Krieger, is to employ the experimental Nereidyl suppressors we have been testing on Miss Nakamura. Perhaps then she will be able to mantain her composure long enough to get through this memory and arrive at the events we require for our records, hopefully before we need to rush her to a fluid extraction ward this time.

- Decrypted message from Dr. Platz, Subject Header: N-Class Event 003 Nakamura Interviews




Amazing as always. Thanks!