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Hello everyone, and welcome to March's briefing.

At this point, I'm sure you've been bombarded by emails, news, comments, etc. of the ongoing COVID-19 situation, so I will keep it brief on my end.

First and foremost, I hope you all are in good health and are staying safe, and a huge thanks for your support. In a time when things can get rather crazy, patrons like you make a massive difference by just being around, whether you can pitch in or not depending on your circumstances, know that I appreciate each and every one of you and hope you are taking good care of yourselves. 

While a situation like this can be somewhat taxing on creativity on my end, I will continue to bring you titillating imagery (and perhaps a story or two) in hopes of helping out with at least some much needed distraction!

Well, with the formalities out of the way, on to the work!

This month, mesh updates and some retexturing came along for Zero and Becky! Additionally, I wanted to add a bit of a bonus outro to Juli's Writhe part of the set, since it felt it needed a little extra to close it off.

The continuing part of Writhe featuring Hitome, however, is still going to take a bit longer to render out, so for the Board Members, the March Ultrapack posted right now will receive an update with Hitome's Writhe set, coming April 5th.

Looking onwards to work in April, Writhe will continue with an outro to fully flesh out the N-Class event within FabPharma, as well as Pinup work/sets as usual. Additionally, I'm looking at starting at what comes after Writhe in the storyline, more updates on that later this month. Bit of a spoiler, but in a life-imitates art-imitates life fashion, current events have given me a bit of an inspiration in where to steer things...

Again, I hope you enjoy this month's work, and please stay safe and healthy!

- bd




Its definitely not normal times but I'm glad that you are still giving us updates during the Pandemic :) Stay safe everyone!


Becky looks incredible in this pack. Hope to see more of her. Amazing work! :D


I like Becky's boots! On such high heels every steps will cause uncontrollable breastsquake!