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Happy New Year!

And so 2019 ends. Denise and Cami got massive fillups, Dani got a new pair of boobs, and the bowels of the FabPharma compound are now besieged by a (hopefully) contained N-Class event, which seems to be drawing the Nereidyl test subjects to its very core...

An interesting end to an interesting year, I'd say! And as the saying goes... the show must continue!

Writhe will continue in January as Alice shifts her focus onto Juli, having set Jessica well on her way to... actually, on that note... I do owe you all a bit of lore, so I'll be doing a catchup of what's been going on throughout January through some intercepted transmissions that have been saved from this latest N-Class event.

Asides from Writhe, I've got some other stuff I'm looking at going over with some of the other girls. Perhaps some smaller image sets, perhaps some pinups... we'll see how the concepts angle themselves up as I flesh them out!

For now, I hope you all enjoy the beginning of 2020, it's sure to be an interesting year :D

- bd




Writhe is so fucked up... nice job!! Can't wait to see more!