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Note: Yet another update to the briefing format! What better way to brief the entirety of the month's work? :D

Hello everyone!

I don't think I'll have a year where I won't bitch and moan about February, it's too damn short! :P

However, it was still a lot of fun, with some positively rather cinematic results in certain cases which I'm pretty happy with (ahem, Breaking Zero, cough cough ^^ ).

I did fall down the rabbit hole with the Breaking Zero set, not going to lie. It started as a 1-5 pinup ish piece that, well, went into decent sized set territory. I do hope you enjoy it!

But, still, it all comes down to time management, and I've got Denise screaming at me for her new tits, and Mr. Montgomery breathing down my neck to illustrate his first meeting with Cali and Hitome, so March is going to be very comic heavy (at the very least, a lot of production frames) and a bit lighter on the usual side story and pinup flair.

Speaking of stories and side stories... Breaking Zero might be a tiny bit of a spoiler, since it's actually not just a 'for fun' set. There's some lore in there that will very likely surface later in the year as Welcome to Unreality continues. And touching upon WTU, I hope you all enjoyed the write-up for issue 002, I'll definitely be cooking frames for it in the next few weeks ^^

On Denise's Plastic Obsessions, I'd say we're somewhere around 30% through frames, although the production does get a lot more involved as we reach issue 005's climax and culmination (that yacht party scene is gonna be a doozy!)

And so, we say goodbye to February, and welcome March. Stay tuned!

- bd




Great tech execution on the zero set aside from being stunning!


Indeed, i allso love seing more of Juli! :)