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When we last checked in on Denise, her early morning workout session with Cami was suddenly interrupted by a happily surprised gym owner, Basil Kontos.

Our records indicate Mr. Kontos is sort of a father figure for Denise, helping her as she started out her personal training career. Needless to say, he seems to have taken an instant liking to Camille!

But, on to the matters at hand. Denise's big day, her BA operation, is scheduled in the morning after the workout we just reviewed. Cami's influence has definitely been felt in Denise's actions so far, as her dreams of going beyond big are rather cemented in place.

However, we still have one loose thread.

Denise's friend, Zoe, has been rather insistent in trying to get in touch with her. From the intel we've gathered, Zoe has always seemed to be Denise's voice of reason (one that we've been intent on cutting off for the time being, so as not to detract her from her more plastic goals), and considering Denise's upcoming operation, her friend wants to see her to sit her down and try to talk some sense into her.

Frankly, there doesn't seem to be much harm in such an encounter at this stage. However, board members may agree that this may be, perhaps, a bit drab.

As usual, however, we have Camille at the ready, so we can task her with occupying Denise for the rest of the day. The choice, as usual, falls to the board...



Of course Cami need put in her head to go as big as her can be!!! And why not a experimental implants as big as Cali this time? Some kind of extreme expansive saline bag? Girls need boob greed, no?😆😎


yes i think a little more influence from Cami is exactly what Ms. Denise really needs here. stoke the flame harder and faster