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 Hiya folks!

This month, I figured I'd start off with an image. Nothing particular about this one, just felt it captured the feeling of this month's work properly, basically.

And that's to say, god damn it's been quite a month! Gotta say production flew by as usual, but this time around leaving an extra productive swath of renders behind it, thanks to the latest in FabPharma optimizations ;)

I'm sure, however, a lot of you might have been wondering where exactly the Plastic Obsessions 003 and, well, it's just not ready yet. In the end, the bigger/longer the layout, the bigger the production hog. And considering the stuff I wanted to mess around with this month horror wise, which you'll notice is quite a bit (over 200 images, not counting behind the scenes stuff), I just had to cede design and layout time to the ever hungry renderer to get through the amount of stuff that was pending.

I guess it fits the horror theme. After all, there always at least one hapless member of the group that gets ripped to shreds. The good news, however, is that this shredded group member will have its revival now in december (meaning I'm gonna finish the comic format, don't worry!).

Speaking of comics, you'll notice a lot of these sets lend themselves pretty well to a short horror story format, or a quick comic strip. So perhaps I could spend a little extra time to throw the frames into layouts while I work on the Plastic Obsessions 003 & 004 layouts, as well as Welcome to Unreality's 001 issue. What's a few extra frames, right? *manic laughter*

Meanwhile, I did want to give a quick overview of the sets these month, since having them textless maybe isn't as impactful (or the references aren't super clear).

So we have Emi's body, which much like the movie it's playing off, consists of Emi already being possessed by a demon, and quite the maneater!

Next there's the C̢̦̮͔̘u̟r̢̪̠͖̗̳s͔̭̫̗͉̯̱̕e͞d͖̩ͅ set. Don't worry, the image sequence will not kill you in 7 days after seeing it, but it did seem to get Dani (also, see the rack on that girl? Woo, looks like that first shot of Nereidyl she received as a reward a few months back really paid off!)

Last but not least in the horror lineup, there's Writhe, starring some of the bigger girls in the lineup ;)

Initially, I was aiming to base this off Slither, and did to some extent with the significant tit bloating the girls experience. Just didn't want to push towards the burst/gorefest the movie spirals into onto the girls. There's plenty of extras for that down the line!

It did eventually evolve into a tentacle infestation-fest, which is usually more fun anyway :D

Moving onto our scheduled projects, Denise gives Cami a good workout in Plastic Obsessions 004 (writeup coming in a few days). Long story short, Cami wears a too tight crop top that keeps popping off, so why not work out topless instead! No one's around to peep, or so they thought until the gym's owner (and Denise's own long-time trainer), Basil Kontos, walks in on them (not that he minds of course, the old giant of a man is as hot blooded as any who frequent this patreon feed!).

And finally, all the frames for Welcome to Unreality 001 are finished. I did change the story slightly from the write-up, I'm sure you'll see where but it's nothing major ;)

Alright, so here comes December. Asides from some random holiday cheer, we're back to our regular schedule, which will include:

- Pinups / Short sets (TBA after first week of the month)

- Denise 003 + 004 comics

- Welcome to Unreality 001 comic

- Polling for Denise 004 (part 2) or Denise 005 (depending on the polling) (and frames for whatever gets picked up)

- Start on Welcome to Unreality 002 frames and story write-up (and tentatively finish them)

- Maybe some other stuff :)

As always, hope you enjoy this month's work!

- bd




I'd really like to see a story to go along with some of the horror sets. But I guess adding more work to a month where you will probably be wanting some time off from work, isn't the best idea. My suggestion would be to maybe pick one to do, or maybe a patreon poll to decide?