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Well, May sure has been busy! Although at this point, busy months are basically a given ^^;

All images for Sadie's story arc are now finished, next up will be laying them out in comic format. HUD 3 is FINALLY DONE WOOO! haha

Additionally, as you may or may not have noticed, discord is up! If you haven't done so already, do join up, it's becoming livelier slowly and so far it's been great hanging out with all of you.

Also, make sure you connect your patreon to your discord account so you don't miss out on your subscription tier roles for access to patreon-only areas.

Ok, so on the front for upcoming work, this month was loaded with finishing these sets so much (asides from having to drop everything to take one of my dogs for surgery - all good on that front thankfully) I kind of overlooked the polling for the next big set, so to start off the month, I'll get that set up.

Speaking of polling, seems the girls you like the most are (in order of votes):

- Cali with 69 (heh) votes!

- Hitome with 62 votes.

- Emi with 53 votes.

- Jessica with 45 votes.

With runners up being Becky, Zero, and Sadie with 20+ votes each.

So that's given me a few extra ideas for sets, or a way to mesh some together.

Speaking of ideas, moving forwards I will be working much more towards developing the FabPharma universe with ongoing sets. The initial idea of making unreal desires into a comic is, I think, not gonna mesh out because of how enormous it ended up becoming (as well as an evolution in production throughout the months that wouldn't look well all together in a single comic).

Also, it's mostly that if I were to sit down and lay out HUD 3 in comic format, it would take me at least 1-2 months because of its sheer magnitude. And on my case (and I'm guessing yours as well), I'd rather work on producing new content over spending 2 months laying out older work. I may return to it, but not quite yet.

However, for upcoming stuff, I will consider either comic or other story formats to continue expanding upon the few things I've been hinting at through character bios, short stories, and now the Sadie comic through my work. There's a bigger story to tell, with tons of sexy and freaky stuff along the way ;)

Oh one last thing. Since Sadie's story arc is coming to a close, I want to set up an AMA in the next few days regarding her arc on discord. Here you can ask away on anything related to the transformation sequences, past choices, what may or may not have affected certain outcomes, outcomes you saw that didn't make it through polling, etc. So again, get on discord ;)

Ok, that's it for now. See ya on discord (did I mention it enough yet? ;D )

- bd


Mr. Juggs

I REALLY wish Jessica was getting more votes. DOZ NIPS, THOUGH!

Mr. Juggs

Also, I signed up for Discord via the same email address I use for Patreon but when I click the Invite link below, it keeps telling me the Invite is invalid/expired. Advice?

Mr. Juggs

I followed the first link you sent me and I THINK I was able to connect my Patreon to my Discord, yes. Thanks!


No Dyna, no party


Keep in mind the polling is just to see who everyone likes, doesn't mean the other girls won't have their time in the spotlight as well ;)


love your work, can't wait for factory 4! :)