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Time had suddenly ceased to exist, or so Sadie thought.

Stuck in this darkened corner of the FabPharma labs, she did not dare move. The chamber that held her seemed to challenge her concepts of space, and was wholly unfamiliar to the assistant-turned-labrat; something entirely jarring for her, having thought she had trekked every inch of the labs at Mr. Montgomery's heels.

Off into the darkness, sounds which churned her insides could be heard in the distance. Endless moans, groans, and sighs mixed in with a cacophony of wet slapping, sliding, and churning which her mind could not do its best to shut out.

"P-please..." she finally uttered, surprising herself with her own voice. It felt like days, if not weeks, since she last spoke, "I want... out..." she whispered hoarsely.

The noises suddenly stopped, an eerie stillness stifling the air as utter silence engulfed her surroundings. Somehow the silence seemed even more ominous than the chaotic echoing she had been hearing endlessly.

"Mmm, begging already?" a familiar voice asked out of the darkness, its notes tinged with mockery and amusement, "Fine, we can stop. But first..." the voice seemed to fade away, as if whoever was speaking was drifting away from Sadie.

"Wait... first what? Please, tell me!" Sadie almost begged at the darkness surrounding her.

Suddenly, she could see a lithe, curvy outline in the shadows of her vision. Like a more solid black on the ever present darkness, "Trick... or treat?" the figure asked.

"Huh?!" was Sadie's only response.

"Simple," the figure repeated, this time feeling like the voice was on the verge of laughter "Trick or treat?"

Sadie swallowed as she felt a knot forming in her throat. The question itself seemed innocent enough, and made her think of simpler times when she was younger and... away from all this. A time she never knew FabPharma. A time when she was just a simple young lady with a mundane life. The sensation itself was jarring, just remembering something of the sort.

The thought quickly passed though as another deep breath reminded her of her current situation, the inhalation only bringing to her attention the heaving weight hanging off her chest. As if on cue, she could feel her massive, transformed breasts throbbing and pulsating, her nipples felt almost on fire, an aching to be touched she hadn't felt before. The sensation just kept on spreading throughout her body, crawling down her belly and into her nethers. Completely out of sync with her current situation, she suddenly felt... horny. A deep lust seemed to was over her in waves, numbing out the myriads of thoughts cluttering her mind.

"...Treat," Sadie suddenly uttered, feeling as if something or someone else had spoken the words for her, surprised and somewhat ashamed, perhaps even disgusted, at the breathless, cloying need enveloping that word.

The voice laughed softly, "I was hoping you'd say that."

Out of the darkness, Alice swayed into view. She seemed more... terrifying somehow, even if Sadie could barely make her out in the little light this place offered. It looked like she held something... luminiscent... in her hands.

As she walked ever closer, Sadie's eyes widened in fear. This wasn't the Alice she knew, or at least not quite the one she knew. Her eyes had a catlike quality to them, as if eyeing her as prey, a mouse backed into a corner. Fangs and jagged, pointed teeth glistened in tiny flashes as she strode forward, a self confident half grin playing across her otherwise pretty features.

But, her hands... her hands suddenly appeared fully into view. Where regular digits should be, large syringes sprouted from the tips of her fingers, as if being spit out from inside her body in a macabre show of what may soon come.

She made a big show of them, too, waving them and softly clenching and unclenching her hands as she drifted closer, her grin ever widening, distorting her face into a wholly evil mask.

"And, oh boy, do I have some treats in store... just for you!"




1, 2, Alice's coming for you. 😨 3, 4, better drop your drawers. 😥 5, 6, grab your clitoris. 🤤 7, 8, gonna masturbate. 😍 9, 10, time to schlick again. 😘