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Just a cheeky piece, really.

But in all seriousness, if you're not aware, there's a monster of a hurricane headed directly to my place here in Florida D;

So, I'll be evacuating tomorrow morning. Just wanted to get some things done for tonight before I bailed.

As you can imagine, we're going to have to pause Sadie's project and polls until I can get back into work mode. I will be taking my rig with me, so worst case scenario, I'll set up a work station wherever I'm at, should I become displaced by this rather annoying and somewhat terrifying storm.

Meanwhile, if you're in this thing's path, stay safe! Otherwise, stay tuned, and your regular boobified content should be back on schedule within the next few days!

- bd



Leticia Latex

Best of luck to you! Hope you stay safe and hope your home can avoid being damaged... though I gotta ask: Does hurricanes being almost an annual thing for Florida mean you guys are a bit more prepared/hurricane-proof than places like Houston, in terms of how sturdy your houses and buildings are?


Hey man, take care there! I wish you luck and that this hurricane gets weaker.


Thanks Leticia! I do think we are more prepared here in FL, all buildings are usually equipped with hurricane proof glass and thankfully my place specifically is built like a bunker in solid concrete. However, I'm not sure if glass can withstand category 5 winds of 185 mph as Irma initially displayed. On that end though it seems to be slowing down, so the biggest worry right now lies more in power outages and heavy flooding, specially the flooding since parts of Miami are very prone to it and have terrible drainage.


Fingers crossed flooding isn't too bad. I think I read that 3meters of rain were expected. That seems like a lot!


Good luck man, hope you will be rendering again soon