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Ever since I first published my "Journey of Love" comic strip, I've received several messages asking me to tell more stories in this format. Since then, I've been trying to fit more time into my schedule to be able to produce more of them. In addition to the comic strips, I also wanted to produce new and more complex animations, like the Beastars one I published last year. However, after putting a lot of effort into fitting these projects into my schedule, I realized that it is physically impossible for me to do them in a way that is both healthy, and that meets all of the set deadlines.

So, after thinking about it for a while, I've decided to dedicate at least one week a month to alternate projects, whether they be commissions, animations, comic strips, or other art projects.

In other words, I am reformatting my Patreon schedule so that every month, Patrons will receive 3 pages from Dirty Paws! instead of 4. Each month, there will be 3 weeks of content updates and new pages for the comic, while the remaining week will be dedicated to publishing these alternative projects, and their respective updates.

I also have to admit that I will feel much better about producing content that is varied throughout the year, as focusing on a single project has made me feel a little bored and depressed. I can guarantee that this change in my routine will give me more energy and strength to create even more cool, well-polished, and fun pieces of art.

I intend to publish a schedule every month which shows the planned publication dates of respective projects, just so everyone is aware of when or what is being published on a specific day.

Also, I've redone my Patreon goals to fit the future I see for all of us. Who knows, one day we may have just 3-4 pages each month, the next we could have new animations coming out every quarter if I get help from other artists. It all depends on the amount of support I will have from now on.

Thank you so much for reading this far, and I hope I can continue counting on your support that is so essential to my livelihood. And, if possible, whenever you can, please help me out by sharing my works on social media, that way our community can grow while supporting my work even more.

And uh... spoiler alert!

~I hope you like Star Fox because I'm planning to make a great animation involving a certain fox and a space wolf if you know what I mean... ~ewe



Cant wait


Ewe? More like UwU~! ;3


Wolf and Fox animation?! Yes please!