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I've just realized there were no updates in past month, so... sorry about it.

In the last poll the gameplay content has slightly won over the story, although initially both options wet pretty equal. Netherless, I'll be try put a good chunk of both in the next release. In previous month we've finished the development and addition of a new tattoo system and an option to disassemble unneeded gear for materials. We've also added a few new items (i.e. working gloves) and slightly adjusted effects on older ones. Lastly, we will be adding new dungeons and enemies, likely a one or two of heavy difficulty. If things go well, we will also include new materials and gear there. The quests and random events will likely take more to arrive.

As for the story I'm mostly still in the process of writing (perhaps should advertise searching for writers again). Initially I had difficulties with making the core events entertaining for the player and many hours of work were sadly wasted, but right now I'm feel like I've got a good grasp on it. I'd prefer to postpone the release of next version until at least half of the story arc would be complete, but the again goes bugfixing... 

Ideally I hope to make a big release by the end of next month, but given the amount of potential story content we still have to make it might not be possible, in which case I apologize beforehand. 

As a side note for Displaced: we've completed redesigning of combat and leveling system and currently finishing text engine. We weren't very optimal on it, so there's still a lot of work to do, but I don't it will take another year. 

As usual, thank you for your support and hope to see you next month.



take all the time you need to make this a great game :O


Personally, I prefer smaller but more frequent update to large update between long gaps. More stuff to get us excited for things to come, and more frequent player feedback to you. Although I'm fine as long as there's a reasonably steady developer update to show the project is still ongoing.


Yes, as you can see, a lot has already been done, but also a lot still remains to be done. However, you may be able to meet the deadline. Good luck!


Yes, I understand that, but updates got a bit less regular recently because there's more people working on the game so coordination takes time, even more so when doing bugfixes.


Take your time maverik. Frequent updates are nice but most of us will be happy with more content no matter how long it takes you. Good luck and have a great christmas.


Soon another month without an update. Sigh... Have a Happy New Year, and we hope for many great updates during 2021.


Yes, sorry about this, the planned update is considerably large and is taking more time than originally planned. Happy New Year as well


I say as long as everyones still working on things, its fine to wait. Honestly I like these games just for the weird simulation itch they scratch, and I can see Conquest is gonna be good fun in the future!