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Hey Pates,

This is a blog on how freelancing Dad life continues to be, and also an update on everything and projects I'm working on.

So things are pretty busy at the moment, I'm juggling a couple of projects and waiting for others to come in.

Something you have to get used to when freelancing is that some clients "definitely have a client on board" and that "you're definitely needed" - the only missing piece of information is when. They'll pencil you in on rough dates, but often it's later than that. 

I used to always be worried of double booking myself, so if I was pencilled in for a client, I'd turn further work down that came in if it was for the same time. Yeah, I've stopped that. I just take on whatever I can now. This is good, as most of the time, you just do it as it comes in and it rarely crosses over, but when projects that were 'on hold' suddenly become live, then occasionally you have to do a lot of work at once.

It's tough, but it's always worth it.

The only down side is that hobbies tend to get put on the back burner until paid work is done, and this is kind of where I'm at right now.

However, I have started my script on my next video, looking at the liveliness of Fez's backgrounds and environments.  I say started, it's practically finished. The next problem though is that my PS4 controller is knackered and won't charge, mostly because my baby daughter loses her mind if she sees me with it and can't hold it, so I blame her for its demise. Meaning I can't get footage for Fez. Meaning I can't make any progress on it. I've bought a new controller and am waiting for it to arrive, but I could also dust off the 360 and play it on that. We'll see.

In the mean time, I've began the process of learning code and game design by buying Game Maker Studio 2. Oddly enough, I've had a guy contact me willing to be my programmer for my game (I'd forgotten I'd left details on my website saying I'd like to make a game one year). So, it's strangely coming together suddenly.

And I've also taken on some collaboration animation work. Not sure if you've seen any of these "re-animated" videos circulating around? Basically a bunch of animators take a short segment of a famous animation and re-animate it in their own style, and they're always awesome.

I've done one for the Bartman Collab and I've taken one on for the Powerpuff Girls Re-Animate Collab. They're good fun, get you trying out new stuff, and you get to see great new work and meet great new animators!

Also in life, my baby dawts now walks and talks (mainly a rough translation of "thank you") and she gives out kisses and hugs, which is god damn adorable.

Step Dawt starts high school in September, which is all familiar territory and, frankly, quite unsettling as it makes me realise how old I am.

Girlf is getting ready to start a Twitter page for her trinkets, which I'm excited about.

And me?  I rollerskate now. Rollerskating is cool. And I have pink/blue sunglasses. I embody the 80s.




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