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"Several ages ago, when Yaraga came to this land, they crossed the enormous mountain ridge, that is now known as "Heaven's Veil." Perhaps, a stroke of luck was their salvation, for this ridge is sky-high - and chance to stumble upon a lone and only known breach between cliffs that can be traversed... is fleeting. Yet they found it. Later on, when civilization rose anew, some decided to come back. Many tried to venture through snows that came in attempts to find their lost cradle land. A task not even a giant could handle. So, Yaraga founded a small settlement there, a border to prevent brave to traverse snows - Mar Sheteran. Yet as years passed... some, who reached these cliffs, decided to stay. As hermits, who did not want their "now" and could not get back their "was". Rarely, but new hearts come here year by year... Not because of despair or rebellious nature. Because some can live only on that tiny border between "now" and "then". Great Cities sent caravans to help those hermits settle... and eventually, a city rose between dead-cold cliffs. A secluded settlement, that cares for beacons high among mountain peaks. Memory flames, last embers of warms before endless snowy frozen nothing, that blankets Yaraga race's past. Barely nothing comes from this city and to it. They are not reclusive, these hermits. Not territorial, not secretive... They are calm, as stones that became their nests and cradles. Silent, watchful. And thoughtful. Same thoughts linger in their minds, that once followed those who crossed this ravine. Thoughts that they decided never to write or speak of - and let snow lull them to their sleep, never to be awakened again. (edited)

Nowadays, Hermit City is know as "Sheteran", with no "mar". "Mar" - means "a place of people". Somewhere, where living dwell. "This - is ours. In here - we are". Yet Sheteran is not a place for life. For living - yet not for life to flourish. It is a place of thoughts to be kept silent. And time to be spent in snows."


Lore works come rarely because of main Patreon stuff. And I try doing these "rarely" worthwhile)
And... perhaps, just perhaps, there will be time when lore will be much more.



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