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As much as Yaraga love to compete in tail length, house height and  glitter of their wealth, these are merely sports and form of  entertainment.
No matter how vast one's riches are, with no name to hold it, with no  respect to shape it even one with the greatest hoard shall perish in  dust, dishonored.


Commonly, status is measured in three forms:

✦ Complexity of jewelry.
Shaped after known symbols, these can tell much about their owner. Even a  ring of pure precious steel will mean far less, than simple copper,  wrought and bound by a master to tell a story of a worthy heart.
Nirheva, on the left - is an ambassador-Speaker of Treven. Gilded  leaves, symbols of this City, and silk-thin golden threads are nowhere  to be bought. Only given or commissioned.

✦ Tattoo
Usually used as a display of own deeds and achievements, these are a  regular feat of most militaries and well-known craftsmen. Each has a  meaning and allows to literally read the owner, like a book.
Meragom, middle one, is a decorated veteran and an acting general.

✦ Complexity of haircut.
Yaraga can grow their silky hair their whole life - and it can get ve-e-e-ery long. And exceptionally hard to keep in check.
Thus, if you can keep it in a proper state, decorate, grow and even have  servants to attend to it - you are surely somethign to respect for not  many can afford that.
Damadara, on the right, is a royal birder.




It’s Small details like this… These build a World, I’d spend hours looking over the braids and jewelry if they allowed me >.<