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Controls are UE-inbuilt so far!
R,E, wasd, space, mouse. You need those to start fighting for now!

Aw-w-w yeah, build is working)

Is a sketch-build, of course, but it works already - and you can swing a sword there to hit an active NPC. It even blocks, takes damage and fights back)

It's a technical build, not a game, of course - but is already enough to fight with an NPC with basic AI, see animations mechanics, combat, sky, graphics, effects... and think of what is about to happen next)

Of course, technical build has LOTS of issues - that's why it's "technical"

Sword is duplicated, birds are off their layer, physics are not always there, tail is not simulated properly yet and so on, plus it has just basic movements, not packed in armours yes - lots of things to do.
Which we are onto doing...

Patreon supporters of 10$ and higher Tiers get this and future build directly through link in notes or via Discord!
If you're new and want to get the build - poke me via DMs, please, to get your archive.

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And on top of that - whole huge part of fetish and non-fetish part of business, including freebies, commissions and such.


Be sure your support helps us and me personally a great deal...



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