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(several years this piece was waiting for it's time... Always let those seeds grow patiently.)

Backup full resolution link (huge!): https://sta.sh/05s6mxljaor

Lore piece, first time doing skies of that world.

Yes, that's the moon. Shattered satellite of a world this lore... "exists" around.

A tad of explanations can be found here (I'll add cosmogony pages these days): https://wretched-sun.fandom.com/wiki/Wretched_Sun_Wiki

One on the picture - is a member of one of provinces military elites - Kerenay Dancer.

Kerenay, keren flower or "kirini" in arzuli language - is a flower with petals that grow fiery-ember and wood-hard if torn off. Masters weave crowns from these leaves to present to their pupils when they are seen as worthy.

And it remains in their hair forever.

Chakram-like weapon is called "kragat".



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