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Hello to all.

So as I mentioned a while back I have wanted my Patreon to change a bit, and thats happening soon. I just want to get my current new vid out the way first.
The basic idea is that whatever I put here will be viewable to all even if you are not a Patron. This is because I have found that the majority use Patreon to support me - not to get specific access to things - with that said I have discussed with several of my Patrons who support at Tier 2 or up - and they have all said that I should keep the Tiers, or even add more haha I dont think I'll be adding more, but I will probably do a small restructure as it was said to me that Tiers are just useful to make it easy for people to give support at a click whatever level they want to.

What I want to do going forward is to add content here as and when I am doing painting, so that I can showcase things I am doing, and small tutorials without it compromising time for other things.

I'll also try and post here in general with upcoming 40K releases, and in general things that you might want to comment or ask my opinion on.

There may also be the opportunity for giveaways in the future here, but thats not something again I want to lock in as some kind of bait, just some way to give back to people as and when

Hopefully this all sounds sensible and good - because in regard to reaching 400K your support for me here on Patreon is always invaluable. As I said from the very beginning when I decided to go full time, Youtube is a highly unstable platform and even when my stats are consistent you never can be sure month to month whats happening.

Big thanks to all, and I'll hopefully be making these updates later in the week



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