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Hey Patreon! Not often I make two posts in one day! But I got the doodles tonight, and had to get something out! And who better to do that with than young Finn and Renée!

Before they ever started dating, Finn and Renée were simply the closest of friends, the only two humans inhabiting the town of Cosmos, helping build the place up from nothing together. While there, though, they also inadvertently helped build up each other.

Finn, for example, is trying to learn how to play guitar, and he's not having the best of luck... While she doesn't play herself, Renée is confident she can help, and requests her friend's guitar pick so she can infuse it with good luck. How does she do that? Well... I'm not sure she knows, but she's certainly trying!!

I don't wanna continue holding onto every sketch I do, so I'm changing things up a bit to give you guys more frequent updates, no matter how small or messy! I hope you can appreciate this little change! Until next time, take care, and THANK YOU for your support!!




Ffffffffffffuck, that is just too cute~😭❤️


aaaa thank you, it came out even sweeter than I'd hoped! Loved drawing that silly little face of hers~