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Hey, Patreon! My apologies for the lack of updates lately! I've been struggling to get my art up off the ground, and I needed to do something to get myself excited about drawing again! So, I did what I often do, and turned to one of my favorite subjects to draw: feet! More specifically, my wife's feet!

I've done a collection of drawings similar to this one in the past, which you can see here on deviantART, but I did something a little different this time! While the feet themselves were indeed traced from existing photos (in an effort to find the shapes of the foot and draw more interesting and organic shapes in the future), the shading here was done completely free-handed, without a reference! I think it came out pretty okay, personally!

That's all I've got to share for the time being, but I hope you enjoy what you see here until the next update! Until then, stay safe and take care of yourselves!




This is spectacular.


Can you teach me


I'm still learning, myself! I find new ways to shape the feet every time I draw them, but I've had a lot of people asking for a tutorial. I don't know that I could whip one up proper, but I know people wanna see it!