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Sorry for going silent, everyone! A lot has happened these past couple weeks! Allow me to fill you all in on what's been going on lately!

First of all: work. Sara's recovery period is over, which means she had to go back to the newspaper. She ain't happy about it, and with neither of us on vacation anymore, it's really chewed into our time with each other. As for me at my local electronics store, a lotta folks in my area just graduated, and that means they all got graduation gifts... which I had to sell! And since graduation time leads immediately into back-to-school time... I'm gonna stay busy!! I only ever get two days off a week, and none of them have been very timely. But after a rather lengthy stint, I'm happy to report that I finally have another day off tomorrow!

Next up: house hunting!! Sara and I are still nowhere near being able to get a house of our own, but we're already looking! The first mortgage officer we met was just... just terrible. He didn't seem to care at all whether or not he was helping us. Thankfully, a coworker of mine recommended another lady that he and his wife went through, and she gave them an unbelievably good rate. Better still, this lady does her business through my bank, making filing a loan through there that much easier!

We met with the woman in person, and made it abundantly clear that we have no idea what we're doing. But rather than judge us or chastise us like we'd expected to hear, she smiled and encouraged us that we have nothing to worry about, and proceeded to give us... homework!?

We were told to come back with multiple pieces of paperwork, from tax returns to bank statements to paystubs. This woman really wants to get us the best rate possible, and she's willing to run all the numbers necessary to do it!! I'll be taking our paperwork downtown to our mortgage lender's office tomorrow. This could happen even sooner than we expected! Wish us luck!!

Now, as for art! Truth be told, I did burn myself out a little there. I looked up and realized I was working on not two, but three pictures at once. It got to be a little overwhelming. Worse, with the way my mind works, I could only think about the little errors and details that needed to be fixed, instead of focusing on getting anything done. I failed to deliver on that front, and I apologize for that. I know this whole Patreon thing is still just getting started, and with your continued support, I can promise we'll see some new content very soon!

This Friday is my second day off this week, which couldn't be more timely! Friday is always my best opportunity for an art stream! And provided there aren't any hiccups, I should be ready to roll a live stream late that evening! This will be a public stream, so any and all are allowed to attend! Make sure you have the correct link!


Thanks for stickin' it out with me, everyone! Until next time!!



Welcome back and glad things are moving for you dudes! -hugs- Best regards to you and yours, and glad the recovery period went well. May work and house hunting run as smoothly as possible for you both (seriously, wishing you the best luck and success 👍🏾). And for your art, we’re with you still! Take care of yourself before gracing us with that good content; your health before your art! Good luck with the stream, and look forward to hearing from you again~!👋🏾😍


Hey, never apologize for having Life take over. You've only just started on here and you're trying to find your rhythm. Hope you and your lovely lady are able to spend some quality time together on days off too, and the house hunting goes well too. Once things have settled and such, we'll be ready to be seeing the amazing works you have in store for us. Take care of yourself first and foremost


I totally understand if you’ve been busy, so I hope all goes well. Fridays night no longer be a viable night for me to catch a streams, given my new schedule. Not that I’m working those nights, but I’d be without WiFi, aside from my cellular, but we’ll see if things turn out well...