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Hey everyone! Today was my first day off in the last seven days, oof... Rough stuff to come back to after being off for two weeks!!

Sara and I used today as an opportunity to speak to a mortgage officer at my local credit union, to see what we might qualify for. Our credit is actually much better than we anticipated, so we technically qualify for quite a lot... But we absolutely can't afford that kind of payment!!

We want to get the ball rolling as early as this summer, so we'll be looking at lower cost housing to get us a lower monthly payment. This way, too, any money in our budget that doesn't go towards the house payment itself can be used to improve the house!

We're especially looking forward to getting our own place, because once we do, we'll finally be getting married!! Because being newlyweds and living in two separate houses would be kinda weird, wouldn't it!?  With a place of our own, and the privacy and peace of mind that comes with it, I can only anticipate I'll be a lot more productive! 

That all being said, this is why your support is so important to me-- to us-- at this point in time. At this point, virtually all of the income I make via Patreon will be going towards our new future home. I hope you'll continue to support me in my endeavors so we can finally move forward with our lives.

So! What's next for Patreon? I have a few ideas to share!

ALL Patrons

I'll be holding my first poll tomorrow! I wanna do a new tickling piece featuring one of my favorite games, but I can't decide who it should be! That's where you come in! We have a decent number of patrons now, with more on the way, so as long as we keep a good rhythm, then we oughta be in heaven. Eh? Eh??

$3+ Patrons

The original Oodles of Doodles password-protected Google Drive folder idea that I had... probably isn't going to work!! I can't count on every single one of my patrons having a Google account, and granting each individual user access to such a folder would be a hassle on everyone's part... So I spoke with my fiancée, and she suggested I compile my drawings into a ZIP, which does allow for password protection, and uploading that for my patrons to download and keep on their own personal devices! Since my first post this month featured Kanasta and Chaz, they will be the focus of my first Oodles of Doodles folder! Look forward to that coming later this week!

$5+ Patrons

Remember that poll I mentioned earlier? Once the winner is decided, this Friday, I'll be holding my first art stream of the year! I'll be working on that piece that night, and once I close the stream, I'll make a post here for you guys containing a link to the WIP file on Google Drive! From then on, any time I make progress on the picture, I'll continue to update the file itself. Don't worry! I'll share update posts here, and I'll include the link should you misplace it!

$7+ Patrons

Just an assumption here, but I get the feeling the results of this poll might actually be cutting it pretty close... With that in mind, I intend to draw something for whoever ends up coming in 2nd place, as well! That piece will be left in its line art phase, so you all can color it in however you please! I'll include a link to the high-resolution line art for you to download when that happens!

$9 Patrons

The NSFW tier!! My most popular one! I hadn't anticipated so many folks flocking to this tier, and I'm ashamed to say I just don't have enough content to share with you right now! But don't fret! I actually have two brand new characters to introduce! You might remember Zoi, my "life nymph" I created as a sort of "mascot" character for my NSFW Tumblr page. Well, y'all know how THAT went. And with no other place to put Zoi and her friends, I now turn to Patreon, where I can share as many female-presenting nipples as I'm able! I've a few sketches to share of all three of these characters in the near future! I hope you're as excited to see them as I am to share them with you!



Excellent, fantastic, beautiful news all around! So happy for you guys and can’t wait for your dreams to get realized! We’re awaiting all the news and content you’re willing to share and HEILIGE SCHEISSE, ZOI IS RETURNING! ‘Tis a Christmas miracle! Looking forward to a slew of awesome things! Also, you’re as subtle as a flying hammer~ 😂


Always wanted to support you just for all those years of awesome art, but now I'm even more thrilled! As a foot-loving man myself who was also very lucky to have fallen for an equally-kinky lady, I understand the struggles of making it work out from unfavorable circumstances - and I also know that the fruits of all that labor and effort are delicious and highly nutritious. =) Keep building toward that future for you both, overcome all the obstacles together - your friends and fans alike are cheering for you two!