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The Sport Rangers have forgotten their unity and team spirit. Each of them walks down the endless maze hallways of no end before realizing they are hopeless on their own. Yet, there was no hope anymore. The athletic heroes were lured into different twisted sports venues with a diabolical coach controlling the show. He challenges them to complete grueling sports tasks with a threat of eternal suffering in the gym if they fail!

Will the Rangers prevail, or will they be trapped in a backbreaking exercise routine with no end?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Diamond Serpent


Daniel K


Practice makes perfect!

The once-unified Sport Ranger team now stood divided, consumed by a toxic mixture of resentment and hatred. Each hero had chosen a different maze corridor, driven by the distorted desire to prove their individual superiority. Among them, May, the Gymnastic Pink, recognized the danger of their fractured unity and tried to amend the growing animosity.

With her heart still holding onto a glimmer of hope, May turned around to regroup with her fellow Rangers. The maze hallways, however, had other plans. The walls shifted and morphed, becoming impenetrable barriers that sealed her fate. Panic gripped her as the realization set in – there was no going back.

"Team, where are you? We need to stick together!" May's voice echoed with longing, her footsteps resonating with the desperation to reunite with her teammates. "We're stronger as a unit, not divided!"

As she reached a point where the path she had taken was no longer recognizable, May faced a gym glass door with blurry glass walls. The distorted reflection revealed a fractured image of May, her eyes reflecting the despair that had infiltrated the once-unbreakable team.

"We can overcome this. Together," she whispered, her voice carrying a resolve that resonated through the cold, unforgiving corridors. The door beckoned, a haunting invitation to an unknown fate. May hesitated, torn between the desire to reunite her team and the harsh reality that confronted her. Ultimately, she pushed forward, crossing the threshold into the next stage of the labyrinthine nightmare.

Meanwhile, Ace, the Boxing Red hero, found himself in a similar predicament. The resentment and desire to prove his strength had led him down a path of isolation. Realizing his actions set in, a nagging doubt crept into his mind. He yearned to turn back, to reunite with his comrades, and to mend the fractures that threatened to destroy everything they had built together.

But the shifting maze corridors mocked his attempt at redemption. The walls closed in, forming an impenetrable barrier that sealed off any chance of retracing his steps. Ace's frustration grew with each futile attempt to break through the solid walls that stood as a testament to his shattered team.

"I won't let this be the end," Ace growled, his voice a defiant proclamation against the encroaching darkness. "Team, hold on! We need to find each other. We're the Sport Rangers, and together, we're unstoppable!"

The gym glass door loomed before him, a symbol of the irreversible choices he had made. The blurry glass offered a distorted reflection, mirroring the internal chaos that now plagued the once-mighty Sport Ranger leader. The corridors had shifted, preventing any chance of regrouping, and Ace's shocked and panicked voice filled the air as he realized the cruel reality that tore them apart.

"Where are you, team? Don't give up! We can do this!" Ace's desperate cries echoed through the twisting maze, his willpower to reunite with his comrades fueling his resolve as he faced the daunting challenges ahead. Separated and devoured in the horrors of the gymnasium's eldritch dimensions, May and Ace faced the consequences of their choices, their once-strong team now scattered and isolated in the darkness that lurked within the Gym of Doom.

May, the Gymnastic Pink, and Ace, the Boxing Red, found themselves isolated in separate hallways, the chilling realization that their attempt to regain unity had come too late. The maze seemed to mock their every step, and the walls that had once enclosed them in a team now stretched endlessly, cruelly separating them.

Desperation clung to May as she walked the gloomy corridor, the silence broken only by the echo of her footsteps against the unforgiving walls. "Team, where are you?" she called out, her voice tinged with fear and longing. The oppressive atmosphere pressed down on her, a weight that only intensified the growing dread within her.

Ace, in his own desolate hallway, felt the weight of isolation bearing down on him. "This can't be happening," he muttered, his voice a hoarse whisper that seemed to dissipate into the abyss around him. The corridors stretched endlessly before him, twisting and turning in an intricate dance of despair. "Team, I need you," he admitted, the vulnerability in his voice betraying the stalwart leader he once was.

Like ominous gateways, the gym doors lined the hallways, tempting them with a path deeper into the unknown. May hesitated before one, the blurry glass offering a distorted reflection of her now solitary figure. "There's no turning back," she whispered to herself, a shiver running down her spine as the weight of loneliness settled in. She stepped through the door with a deep breath, plunging into the darkness beyond.

Facing a similar door in his solitary journey, Ace clenched his fists in frustration. "We were a team," he growled, his words echoing into the emptiness. The glass revealed a distorted image of Ace, the loneliness etched into the lines of his face. He took a hesitant step through the door, the darkness enveloping him as he ventured further into the unknown.

As May and Ace walked deeper into the corridors, the oppressive silence surrounded them. The only sounds were the distant echoes of their own footfalls, a haunting reminder of their solitude. Panic gripped them both, and their footsteps quickened, each step echoing a growing urgency to escape the suffocating isolation.

May's breath hitched, and a loud scream of fear escaped her lips. "I can't do this alone!" she cried, the desperate plea reverberating through the endless hallways. The darkness seemed to swallow her voice, leaving only the hollow echo of her fear.

As May, the Gymnastic Pink, stepped through the gym door into the darkness, the oppressive atmosphere lifted, revealing an expansive chamber illuminated by harsh lights. To her surprise, the vast space transformed into a boxing arena, with a ring at its center and equipment neatly arranged around the edges. The air crackled with anticipation as the lights focused on a shady figure who welcomed her with a sinister grin.

"Welcome, Gymnastic Pink," the shady figure, resembling a fat coach, announced with a twisted charm. "You have entered the Boxing Arena of Doom, where only the strongest athletes survive. To be free, you must prove yourself as the best boxer in relentless training."

Though not a boxer, May assumed a fighting pose in alert defiance. "I won't submit to your twisted challenges. Let me and my team go!"

The coach-like figure chuckled, revealing the true nature of the grim situation. "Ah, but it's not just about you. Your entire Sport Ranger team will be trapped for eternity if you refuse. The world will be left defenseless, succumbing to evil forces. The choice is yours, Gymnastic Pink."

A dilemma gripped May – to accept the challenge and face a sport outside her expertise or condemn her team and the world to destruction. Reluctantly, she prepared to face the challenge, the lights dimming as she readied herself for the grueling training ahead.

A similar twisted fate awaited Up, the Soccer Yellow. Stepping through his designated gym door, the expansive chamber transformed into a grueling gymnastics acrobatic routine arena. The equipment, designed for gymnasts, mocked his soccer-player persona, emphasizing the deliberate nature of the challenges that lay ahead.

The coach-like figure in Up's arena taunted, "Welcome to the Acrobatic Abyss. To prove your worth, you must master the most challenging gymnastics routines. Fail, and your fate and your Sport Ranger comrades will be sealed for eternity."

Up, far from being a gymnast, felt the weight of the challenge bearing down on him. "This isn't my sport," he protested, but the coach's sinister laughter echoed in response.

The Gym of Doom deliberately pitted each Sport Ranger against challenges outside their strong points, ensuring their failure in the face of the Doom Coach's twisted games.

Yet, fueled by their fiery heroism, May and Up accepted the challenges, unknowingly plunging themselves into a trap. The gym doors closed behind them, sealing their fate. There would be no escape for them or the Sport Ranger team, and the evil coach savored the knowledge that their heroic spirit had led them into a maze of doom with no way out. The grim reality of their situation slowly settled in as May and Up began their harrowing training, the echoes of their determination mingling with the ominous atmosphere of the Gym of Doom.

The moment GymnasticsPink and SoccerYellow accepted the twisted challenge in their respective sport venues, a sense of dread enveloped them. May gulped anxiously, her willpower to save her team conflicting with the eerie atmosphere of the Boxing Arena of Doom. Likewise, Up stood in the Acrobatic Abyss, his heart pounding as he faced a challenge far removed from his soccer expertise.

As May prepared to face her boxing challenge, oversized gloves suddenly materialized, swallowing her arms. The gloves were grotesquely large, emphasizing the mismatch between her gymnastics background and the boxing equipment that now encumbered her. Up, in the Acrobatic Abyss, found his wrists ensnared by acrobatic rings, a cruel reminder of the unfamiliar terrain he was forced to navigate.

The Doom Coach, a sinister figure overseeing both challenges, blew his whistle, its haunting sound echoing through the arenas. Unknown to May and Up, the whistle was the source of the evil influence, warping their minds to ensure compliance with the coach's demands. Despite their efforts to resist, an insidious force compelled them, clouding their awareness and rendering them susceptible to the coach's sinister whims.

May, encumbered by the oversized boxing gloves, tried to resist, her movements awkward and restricted. "This isn't right," she muttered to herself, realizing something was amiss biting at the edges of her consciousness. The cursed gloves seemed to have a mind of their own, responding to the coach's whistle as he boasted from the sidelines.

"In the Boxing Arena of Doom, only the strongest prevail!" the Doom Coach proclaimed with evil glee. "You, GymnasticsPink, shall prove your worth. Failure is not an option if you wish to save your team."

Up felt the weight of the acrobatic rings constricting his movements. The unnatural challenge twisted his limbs in ways unfamiliar to his soccer-honed body. Panic set in as he struggled against the unseen force compelling him to perform the acrobatic routines.

"I don't understand," Up mumbled, his voice strained. "This isn't what I signed up for. I'm a soccer player, not a gymnast."

The Doom Coach savored the chaos he had orchestrated. The arenas were filled with the sounds of May's awkward movements and Up's strained attempts at acrobatics. The cursed items amplified their struggles, ensuring that the challenges would push them to the brink.

May, though faltering, fought against the cursed gloves. "I need to break free," she muttered, her willpower flickering despite the encumbering equipment. Up, facing his own ordeal, felt the acrobatic rings tightening, a physical manifestation of the psychological torment orchestrated by the Doom Coach.

The coach's laughter echoed through the arenas as he boasted their torment. "You thought you could escape the Gym of Doom unscathed? Embrace the challenges, for they are the key to your salvation."

As May and Up grappled with their cursed equipment, they realized that the challenges went beyond mere physical tests. Wielding the whistle like a hellish conductor, the Doom Coach orchestrated their every move, ensuring compliance in a twisted dance of despair. The grim reality of the Gym of Doom unfolded as May and Up, shackled by the cursed items, faced the nightmarish challenges ahead.

Each obstacle presented a new test of their strength, resilience, and determination. With every move, the hellish presence of the Doom Coach loomed large, his sinister voice echoing through the arenas.

In the Boxing Arena of Doom, GymnasticsPink faced the Shadow Spar, a relentless onslaught of shadowy opponents that mirrored her every move. Despite her best efforts to strike back, the shadows seemed to anticipate her every move, delivering devastating blows that left her disoriented and vulnerable.

"You can't defeat what you can't see," the Doom Coach's taunting voice resonated from the sidelines, amplifying GymnasticsPink's sense of hopelessness. With each failed attempt to overcome the shadowy adversaries, her confidence waned, and the looming threat of failure grew ever more ominous.

Meanwhile, in the Acrobatic Abyss, SoccerYellow hero found himself ensnared in a tangled trap of ropes and nets, each obstacle proving more formidable than the last. With each attempt to break free, the ropes seemed to tighten around him, threatening to suffocate him in their suffocating embrace.

"Entangled by your own limitations," the Doom Coach's mocking voice echoed through the abyss, amplifying SoccerYellow's sense of desperation. Despite his best efforts to break free, the relentless grip of the tangled trap seemed insurmountable.

As the challenges intensified, GymnasticsPink and SoccerYellow heroes fought with all their might, determined to overcome the insurmountable odds stacked against them. However, the evil forces of the Gym of Doom proved too formidable to conquer.

After a grueling battle, GymnasticsPink and SoccerYellow heroes were eventually defeated by the relentless challenges set forth by the Gym of Doom. As the scoreboard displayed a dismal zero for the heroes and a triumphant score for the evil gym, the gravity of their situation became painfully clear.

Doom Coach, a sinister figure overseeing the torment, enjoyed the heroes' defeats. His laughter echoed through the arenas as he gloated over the heroes' predicament. "You thought you could escape the Gym of Doom unscathed? Your weaknesses have been laid bare, and the Gym shall feast upon your failures."

May, struggling to catch her breath, felt the weight of her defeat pressing down on her. "This can't be happening," she muttered, her voice shaky. " This isn't fair."

Doom Coach, standing on his pedestal, grinned hellishly. "Fairness is a luxury you cannot afford. In the Gym of Doom, only the strong survive. And you have proven to be anything but strong."

Up, devoured in the Tangled Trap, gritted his teeth as the ropes tightened around him. The mocking voice of the Doom Coach pierced through the air, amplifying his sense of desperation. "Your limitations have become your downfall, SoccerYellow. A hero bound by ropes cannot protect anyone."

May's heart sank as she struggled to come to terms with her failure. "I can't believe it... We're trapped, Up. There's no way out of this nightmare."

Up's voice trembled with fear and frustration. "I thought we could overcome anything together... Now, we're at the mercy of this twisted place."

Doom Coach, reveling in their despair, chuckled darkly. "Your strength was nothing but an illusion, heroes. Now, prepare for the next phase of your torment. The Gym of Doom awaits!"

The Weighted Woe and the Balance Beam of Betrayal awaited the two Sport Ranger heroes with sinister aura.

May, her movements already sluggish from exhaustion, felt the heavy burden of the enormous weights materialize around her ankles. Each step became a monumental effort as she tried to navigate the Boxing Arena of Doom. The weights seemed to amplify with each passing moment, dragging her down into the depths of despair. The weights grew heavier with every punch she attempted, draining her strength and resolve. Despite her efforts, May could not break free from the oppressive weight.

"The weights... they're too much," May muttered, desperation creeping into her tone as she struggled against the suffocating weight.

"The weight of your failures will crush you," the Doom Coach's voice sneered, reverberating through the arena like a sinister echo. His words hung heavy in the air, adding to the suffocating pressure that weighed down on May's shoulders. She gritted her teeth, resolve flickering within her, but the relentless burden threatened to overwhelm her spirit.

Up's heart raced as he teetered on the narrow beam, his every movement a precarious dance with fate. "I can't... I can't afford to fall," he breathed, his voice trembling with uncertainty. Each step felt like a leap into the unknown, his senses heightened by the looming darkness below.

Meanwhile, Up found himself on the treacherous Balance Beam of Betrayal, suspended precariously over a chasm of darkness. Each step he took was dangerous, the beam swaying ominously beneath his weight. The beam threatened to tilt further with every misstep, casting him into the abyss below. Up's heart raced as he fought to maintain his balance, his senses heightened by the ever-present danger that lurked beneath him. Each moment felt like an eternity as he struggled to navigate the precarious path before him.

"Balance is the key to victory," the Doom Coach's voice echoed mockingly, a cruel reminder of the fragile nature of Up's situation. The coach's taunts only served to fuel Up's resolve, but the relentless pressure of the challenge weighed heavily on his mind.

"The balance... it's impossible," Up muttered, his words echoing in the oppressive silence as he fought to maintain his footing.

As May and Up battled against the Weighted Woe and the Balance Beam of Betrayal, the oppressive atmosphere of the Gymnasium of Doom closed in around them. The air crackled with tension, each moment filled with dread and exhaustion. Despite their valiant efforts, the heroes found themselves tested to their limits, their spirits waning under the weight of the challenges before them.

With every step, punch, and struggle, May and Up fought against the encroaching darkness, clinging to the flicker of hope. But as the second challenge pushed them to their breaking points, the true extent of their peril became painfully clear. In the face of overwhelming odds, the heroes knew that their battle was far from over and that darker trials lay ahead in their desperate quest for survival.


May and Up faced their final trials in the harrowing depths of the Gymnasium of Doom, each more sinister than the last.

May, the GymnasticsPink, was trapped in a nightmarish confrontation with her mirrored doppelganger. Every move she made was mirrored with chilling accuracy by her sinister twin, amplifying her frustration and self-doubt to unbearable levels. Despite her valiant efforts, May could not overcome the relentless onslaught of her doppelgangers. With each failed attempt, the cursed gloves tightened around her hands, draining her heroism and transforming her into a zombie-like puppet condemned to battle her own reflections endlessly.

Meanwhile, Up, the SoccerYellow, was entangled in a chamber filled with rotating gymnastic rings suspended from the ceiling. The rings spun faster and faster, creating a dizzying vortex of motion that tested Up's balance and coordination to their limits. Despite his best efforts, Up was unable to navigate the swirling rings and soon found himself trapped by the predatory sapping thick rings. He was forced into an endless gymnastics routine, tumbling and twisting through the air as a slave to the Gymnasium's cruel will.

"I can't break free," May gasped, her voice strained with effort. "It's like fighting against myself."

Up, the SoccerYellow, struggled to maintain his balance on the spinning gymnastic rings suspended from the ceiling. With each rotation, the challenge grew more perilous, threatening to send him hurtling into the abyss below.

"This is impossible," Up muttered, his voice trembling with exhaustion. "I can't keep this up much longer."

As May and Up battled against the relentless trials, the weight of despair hung heavy in the air. Their heroic spirits wavered under the oppressive darkness of the Gymnasium, their resolve tested to its limits.

"We can't give up," May urged, her voice tinged with desperation. "There has to be a way out of this nightmare."

“We'll find a way," SoccerYellow vowed, his voice tinged with defiance as he steeled himself for the trials ahead. "No matter what it takes."

The Gymnasium of Doom cast long, eerie shadows as May and Up stood at the precipice of their final challenges. The air was thick with dread, each breath heavy with the weight of their impending doom. May's heart raced in her chest as she faced her mirrored doppelganger, a twisted reflection of her own form.

"This is madness," May gasped, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. "How can I fight against myself?"

The mirrored figure before her moved with sinister grace, its movements mirroring May's own with unsettling precision. With each blow it struck, May felt the weight of her own doubts and insecurities magnified, threatening to overwhelm her resolve.

"Weakness," the counterpart hissed, its voice a chilling echo of May's own. "You are nothing but weakness."

As May faced her mirrored doppelganger, she fought with all her might, her voice strained with effort and frustration. "I can't... I can't defeat you," she gasped, each word a testament to her waning resolve. "Why won't you just stop?"

Across the gym, Up battled against the spinning gymnastic rings, his every movement a desperate struggle against the relentless motion. Sweat beaded on his brow as he fought to maintain his balance, the dizzying whirl of the rings threatening to engulf him.

"I can't do this alone," Up muttered, his voice barely audible over the din of spinning metal. "I need to find a way out, for May's sake, for our sake."

But as he reached out for the elusive hope of escape, the rings seemed to tighten around him, their metallic embrace becoming ever more suffocating. Each rotation brought him closer to the brink of despair, his spirit tested to its breaking point.

"We are doomed," Up whispered, his voice heavy with resignation. "There's no way out of this nightmare."

As May and Up faced their final trials, the Gymnasium of Doom loomed over them like a specter of death. The walls seemed to close around them, suffocating them with the weight of their despair. Their voices were lost in the darkness, swallowed by the endless expanse of the accursed gym.

May and Up stood alone, separated by the twisted corridors that snaked through the cursed building. Each faced their own personal torment, isolated from one another by the demoniac forces that sought to break their spirits.

May, her breath coming in ragged gasps, cast a desperate glance around the Boxing Arena of Doom. The shadows seemed to dance mockingly, taunting her with their sinister whispers. "I... I can't do this," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear and exhaustion. "I thought we could fight our way out, but... it's hopeless."

Meanwhile, Up struggled to maintain his balance amidst the swirling chaos of the Rotating Rings of Ruin. Each spin threatened to send him tumbling into oblivion, his senses overwhelmed by the dizzying spectacle. "I don't know how much longer I can hold on," he muttered, his voice barely audible over the deafening roar of the rings. "I thought I was stronger than this..."

Their words hung in the air like a lament, a mournful reminder of the heroes they once were. But here, in the depths of the Gymnasium of Doom, their strength faltered, their resolve shattered by the relentless onslaught of despair.

As the final whistle blew, its piercing sound signaling their defeat, May and Up felt a wave of despair wash over them. Their minds reeled with the weight of their failure, and the knowledge that they were now prisoners in this nightmarish realm.

In the aftermath of their torment, as the Gymnasium of Doom enjoyed its triumph, May and Up's monotonous voices could be heard, trapped in an endless loop of agony.

"I must defeat them... I must defeat them..." May mumbled, her words devoid of the fire that once fueled her heroic spirit.

Up's voice echoed through the gym, trapped in its own cycle of misery. "Balance is the key... Balance is the key..."

Their once-vibrant personalities were now echoes of their former selves, lost in the ceaseless repetition of their tormented mantra. The evil gym had claimed not only their bodies but also their identities.


In the grim confines of the Gymnasium of Doom, the five zombified Sport Rangers found themselves trapped in their personal chambers of torment, each one a grotesque mockery of their former heroic selves. Standing amidst the shadows, Doom Coach wore a sinister grin as he adorned himself with the medals containing the essence of their Sport Ranger powers.

The metallic clinking of the medals echoed through the oppressive silence, each one sealing the Rangers' heroic legacy into a dark and twisted form. The once vibrant and colorful symbols of their strength and unity now dangled ominously around Doom Coach's neck, gleaming with an otherworldly malevolence.

As the Rangers beheld the medals, their hearts sank with the weight of defeat. The once vibrant symbols of their unity now adorned the neck of their adversary, sealing their fate as slaves to the demoniac will of the Gymnasium. Doom Coach's voice, dripping with malice, echoed through the eerie silence, a sinister storm of their impending demise.

"You see, my dear Rangers," Doom Coach's words slithered through the air like a venomous serpent, "your powers are now mine to wield. Your valor has become your undoing, and your legacy is but a footnote in the annals of my dominion."

The zombified Rangers, their movements sluggish and their expressions hollow, could only gaze upon their accursed medals with a sense of resigned horror. Each piece of metal bore witness to their defeat, a cruel reminder of their fall from grace.

Ace, his fists clenched in futile defiance, muttered in monotone regret, "We were meant to protect, not to be puppets in the Gymnasium's twisted game."

New’s lively spirit now extinguished and lamented in hollow tones, "Our powers were meant to inspire hope, not to fuel the darkness that now consumes us."

May, her graceful movements replaced by mechanical gestures, whispered with a sense of desolation, "Our unity was our strength, but now, we are naught but slaves to the Gymnasium's malevolence."

Up and his once indomitable spirit was dulled by despair, and spoke with a monotone resignation, "We fought for justice, but justice has abandoned us to this endless torment."

Yu, her once radiant aura now dimmed by the shadows, murmured with a sense of profound sorrow, "Our powers were meant to bring light, not to feed the darkness that now engulfs us."

Doom Coach, reveling in the Rangers' defeat, basked in the echoes of their despair. "Your heroic journey ends here, Rangers," he proclaimed with sinister satisfaction, "and from this moment forth, you shall serve as eternal reminders of the Gymnasium's supremacy."

As the Rangers stood ensnared in their chambers of torment, the Gymnasium pulsed with hellish energy, its very walls alive with the echoes of their suffering. In this twisted realm, there was no escape, no reprieve from the endless cycle of torment. The zombified Rangers now stood as grim sentinels of the Gymnasium's dark dominion, their heroic legacy forever tarnished by the shadows that lurked within.

The former Sport Ranger heroes found themselves trapped in an unending cycle of mockery and despair. Their voices, tinged with bitterness and regret, echoed through the darkened corridors, a grim testament to their shattered dreams.

Ace, the former BoxingRed, shook his head in disbelief. "Our powers... We never wanted them. We never asked for this curse."

New, the agile TennisGreen, clenched his fists in frustration. "Our abilities brought us nothing but torment. We deny our own strength, our own identity."

May, once the graceful GymnasticsPink, spoke with a hollow tone, "Our powers were meant to inspire, to protect. But now they are chains that bind us to this wretched fate."

Up, the indomitable SoccerYellow, gritted his teeth in anger. "We wanted to be champions, but now we're nothing but fearful zombies trapped in a never-ending loop of torment."

Yu, the serene SwimmingBlue, whispered with a touch of sorrow, "Our identities erased, our purpose lost. We are shadows of who we once were, condemned to wander this cursed place for eternity."

Their dialogue, a bitter acknowledgment of their plight, reverberated through the Gymnasium's bleak halls, a stark reminder of their fall from grace. The Gym, reveling in its triumph over the fallen heroes, absorbed their words as fuel for its ever-growing darkness.

Doom Coach, adorned with the medals containing the Rangers' trapped powers, sneered at their confession. "You deny your powers, yet they are your legacy, your burden to bear. You cannot escape what you have become."

The zombified Rangers, trapped in their cycle of despair, could only lament their fate, knowing that their powers had become a curse, erasing their identities permanently. Their voices, once filled with bravery, now echoed with the bitter truth of their defeat.



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