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When the heroic Zyuohger Sentai warriors met an animal activity hoping to have their help protecting a special forest, their instinct to do good got the best of them. Turns out, the forest was beyond special. It was cursed. Worse, the animal activist may have more to gain by owning the wild spandex-clad heroes for herself in her private lot!

Can the Zyuohgers fight the ambush, or will they be prizes for the villainess’ hideout?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:


Ken K


Ty smith





Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


Into the forest of trophies!

In the heart of the city, where the towering skyscrapers met the edge of the dense urban forest, the Zyuohgers found themselves facing an unexpected dilemma. A new, charismatic figure had emerged on the scene—an animal rights activist named Katai Yasumi. Yasumi claimed to fight passionately for the rights of endangered species, a noble cause that resonated deeply with the heroes, who were always ready to defend the vulnerable.

The mysterious activist, shrouded in an air of benevolence, had been making headlines for her passionate speeches and fervent advocacy. The Zyuohgers, ever vigilant for threats to the natural world, decided to investigate the activist's claims and offer their assistance.

Yamato Kazakiri, the leader, and Zyuoh Eagle approached Yasumi with a determined expression. "It's heartening to see someone dedicated to the welfare of animals. We're the Zyuohgers, protectors of the Earth. How can we assist you in your cause?"

Yasumi, a master of deception using the name Katai Yasumi, donned an amiable smile. "Oh, I've heard tales of your heroic deeds. It warms my heart to know that there are those willing to stand against the injustices inflicted upon our animal friends. Follow me, and together we can make a difference."

Her words resonated with the Zyuohgers, their noble intentions making them blind to the dark undercurrents beneath Katai Yasumi's facade. Sela, the aquatic Zyuoh Shark, expressed her enthusiasm: "Finally, someone who understands the importance of preserving marine life. Lead the way, and we'll lend our strength to your cause."

Little did they know that Katai Yasumi's cause was far from noble. As they entered the dense urban forest, the atmosphere shifted. The air became thick with otherworldly energy, and the shadows seemed to dance with evil. Unbeknownst to the Zyuohgers, they had crossed a boundary into the cursed realm of Katai Yasumi's making.

The forest, once a serene enclave within the city, transformed into a twisted labyrinth of gnarled trees and haunting shadows. The Zyuohgers, however, remained oblivious to the sinister change, their focus fixed on the apparent cause they believed they were championing.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Leo, the fierce Zyuoh Lion, couldn't help but express his admiration. "This place holds an untamed beauty. Nature in its purest form. We must do everything we can to protect it."

Tusk, the gentle Zyuoh Elephant, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Leo. Our duty extends beyond battling evil. We must be stewards of the natural world."

The dialogue, filled with noble intentions and heroic resolve, echoed through the cursed forest. Unbeknownst to the Zyuohgers, Katai Yasumi's malevolent influence began to seep into their minds, exploiting their deep connection with nature. The evil foot soldiers, dark Moeba-like entities, started to emerge from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malice.

As the Zyuohgers delved further into the forest, the ambiance shifted from tranquility to unease. Katai Yasumi, reveling in the deception, allowed the forest to amplify the Zyuohgers' primal instincts. Sela, normally calm and collected, felt an unfamiliar surge of aggression building within her.

"This forest is magnificent," she remarked, her voice taking on a tone of intensity. "But we must be ready to face anything that threatens it."

The evil foot soldiers, sensing the shift in the Zyuohgers' demeanor, lurked in the shadows, ready to strike. Katai Yasumi, hidden amidst the twisted branches, grinned venomously, her plan falling into place.

The dense forest closed in on the Zyuohgers, its twisted branches creating an oppressive atmosphere that fueled their frustration and heightened aggression. The once harmonious team unity deteriorated with each step, and the air crackled with an unspoken tension.

As the team ventured further into the heart of the cursed forest, Leo, the Zyuoh Lion, couldn't conceal his irritation. "Why are we even following her? This forest is endless, and we're getting nowhere."

Sela, Zyuoh Shark, retorted, "Maybe if someone didn't insist on charging ahead without thinking, we wouldn't be in this mess. Strategie, Leo, it's not a foreign concept."

Amu, Zyuoh Tiger, chimed in, "Sela's right. We can't just bulldoze through everything. Some of us need to be agile and think on our feet."

Tusk, Zyuoh Elephant, ever the peacemaker, tried to mediate. "We need to work together. Leo, Sela, and Amu, we're a team. Bickering won't help us."

Leo shot back, "Maybe if we had a leader who actually led instead of just talking about it. We need someone who can make decisions, not someone who hides behind ideals."

Yamato, Zyuoh Eagle, intervened, "Enough! We can't afford to let our disagreements tear us apart. Katai Yasumi might be leading us into a trap."

Sela, her frustration bubbling to the surface, scoffed, "Oh, now you're concerned about traps? Maybe if you focused more on leading, we wouldn't be wandering aimlessly."

Yamato, determined to diffuse the tension, suggested, "Let's stick together. We'll find a way through this, but only if we work as a team."

The Zyuohgers reluctantly pressed on, their tempers simmering beneath the surface. The forest seemed to play on their emotions, magnifying the tension within the group.

Suddenly, the oppressive silence shattered as evil Moeba minions emerged from the shadows, launching a surprise ambush. The Zyuohgers, caught off guard, drew their weapons to fend off the dark threat.

Yamato, whose frustration now turned to focused willpower, shouted, "Stay together! We need to fight as one!"

But the lingering discord among the Zyuohgers manifested in their attacks. Leo, blinded by his resentment, lashed out aggressively, his strikes devoid of the usual finesse. Sela and Amu, their previous verbal sparring still fresh, hesitated to coordinate their movements.

Tusk, also desperately trying to maintain order, pleaded, "Focus, everyone! We can't let our differences tear us apart!"

However, the forest's influence had taken root, and the Zyuohgers, once a formidable team, now fought disjointedly. Yamato, dismayed by the fractured unity, struggled to regain control.

Sela, her frustration boiling over, snapped at Amu, "Maybe if you were more than a one-trick tiger, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Amu retorted, "At least I don't hide behind a wall of water when things get tough. Maybe if you weren't so predictable—"

Their argument was cut short as the Moeba minions capitalized on their division. The evil foot soldiers relentlessly attacked, exploiting the Zyuohgers' disarray.

Yamato, the weight of leadership heavy on his shoulders, fought valiantly but couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. The sanctuary forest had become a battleground where the Zyuohgers, consumed by their internal discord, faced a new and formidable enemy. It didn’t take long before he too snapped.


The dense forest, now a twisted playground of evil, bore witness to the Zyuohgers' descent into chaos. The Moeba minions, their darkened forms emerging from the shadows, ambushed the heroes with ruthless efficiency. Blades clashed, and the air echoed with the metallic resonance of combat.

Yamato, the Zyuoh Eagle, took to the skies, wielding his EagRiser with calculated finesse. As the Moeba soldiers closed in, he twisted and somersaulted through the air, delivering powerful slashes. But something had changed within him. Frustration had turned to something darker, and the oppressive atmosphere of the cursed forest had begun to warp his once noble intentions.

His movements, though acrobatic, lacked the usual grace. Each strike was fueled not only by the desire to defeat the Moeba minions but also by an emerging disdain for his teammates. "You call yourselves heroes?" he barked, his voice laced with venom. "I can't even handle a bunch of minions without falling apart."

Sela, the Zyuoh Shark, clashed with her opponents in the shadowy undergrowth. Her usually calm demeanor was replaced by a feral intensity. "You think you're so smart, Amu?" she hissed. "Maybe if you weren't always showing off, we wouldn't be in this mess."

Amu, Zyuoh Tiger, retaliated with a snarl, "You're the one who can't keep up, Sela. Maybe if you weren't so slow, we'd be done with this by now."

The forest, dense with hostility, magnified the Zyuohgers' aggression. Leo, the Zyuoh Lion, fought with reckless abandon, each slash of his weapon more brutal than the last. "Pathetic! I should lead this team. None of you have what it takes!"

Tusk no longer tried desperately to restore order. "Leo, you lack the strength needed to win!"

But Leo cut him off: "Strength? Tusk, you're all talk. Maybe if you actually did something for once, we wouldn't be drowning in these shadows."

The Moeba minions, enhanced by the forest's evil, closed in on the disoriented Zyuohgers. The once-coordinated team now fought individual battles, each member overwhelmed by multiple adversaries. The air was thick with the scent of metal, sweat, and the palpable tension of disintegrating camaraderie.

As the skirmish escalated, Yamato, still aloft, continued his tirade. "Look at you, bumbling fools. Can't even work together. Maybe I should find a team that can actually get things done."

His words, like a poison, seeped into the minds of his teammates. Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk, before bound by friendship, now fought with a ferocity fueled by internal strife. The Moeba minions, enhanced by the forest's influence, reveled in the chaos, their attacks growing more relentless.

Sela, her frustration reaching a breaking point, barked back at Yamato, "Maybe if our captain wasn't so blinded by arrogance, we'd be an actual team."

Amu, fueled by the forest's influence, echoed the sentiment, "Leadership? You've been leading us in circles, Yamato. Maybe it's time for a change."

The once-vibrant suits of the Zyuohgers now bore the scars of their internal discord. Battered and hammered by the enhanced Moeba soldiers, the heroes were reduced to mere individuals, fighting their own battles in a clashing noise of chaos.

The forest's influence had taken hold, and the Zyuohgers now stood divided. Katai Yasumi, hidden in the shadows, reveled in the twisted spectacle. The Zyuohgers, previously symbols of unity and heroism, had become pawns in her cruel game.

The Moeba minions intensified their assault, their attacks landing with precision. Punches, strikes, and blade attacks battered the Zyuohgers, their suits cracking under the relentless onslaught. Yet, amid the grim scene, Yamato, now fully consumed by the forest's influence, continued to mock his teammates.

As he scowled, he asked, "Is this the best you can do?" So bad. "None of you are necessary for me. No problem, I'll take care of it myself!"

Yamato Kazakiri, before the noble leader of the Zyuohgers, had succumbed to the diabolical influence that permeated the air. Fueled by frustration and egotism, he now despised his teammates, convinced that he could be a much better Sentai hero if not for their perceived incompetence.

The Moeba minions, sensing the internal strife, intensified their assault on the battered and disoriented Zyuohgers. As the shadows danced around them, Yamato, his suit battered and cracked, directed his newfound aggression toward his own team.

"You're all holding me back!" he roared, his voice distorted by a mix of frustration and arrogance. His EagRiser gleamed ominously as he swung it with newfound brutality, attacking his teammates with a ferocity that bordered on madness.

As the Moeba minions intensified their assault, Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk found themselves not only battling the shadows but also grappling with the festering animosity that had taken root within their minds.

Leo the Zyuoh Lin roared, "Always thought he was better than us. Now, we see his true colors."

Sela, Zyuoh Shark, was now filled by a storm of hostility, scoffed, "Captain? He's nothing more than a liability. We're better off without him."

Amu, Zyuoh Tiger, echoed the sentiments, her voice tinged with resentment. "We knew he'd turn on us. He was never fit to lead. This is just revealing his true nature."

As Yamato swung his EagRiser ruthlessly, his once-trusted teammates evaded his attacks with a mixture of agility and disdain. Their once-coordinated movements had become disjointed, a reflection of the distrust that now tainted their every action.

Leo, fueled by his resentment, roared, "We don't need a captain who thinks he's above the team. He was never one of us."

Sela, her movements sharp and calculated, retorted, "A leader who abandons his team in battle is no leader at all. This was bound to happen."

Amu, her strikes delivered with a newfound ferocity, declared, "He was never one of us. Just a pretender wearing a captain's suit."

In the heart of the cursed forest, the Zyuohgers had become pawns in a hellish discord orchestrated by the dark forces that enveloped them. The Moeba minions, enhanced by the fractured minds of the previously-unified team, pressed their advantage. However, the true tragedy unfolded as the Zyuohgers turned not only against the shadows but against each other.

Yamato, now fully consumed by the selfish darkness, led the charge with his EagRiser slashing through the air, striking both Moeba minions and his former teammates. Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk, each fueled by their individual resentments, clashed with both the evil foot soldiers and, more dangerously, with each other.

The forest echoed with the sounds of clashing weapons, fiendish laughter, and the anguished cries of the once-heroic team. Leo, the Zyuoh Lion, roared with fury as he exchanged blows with Sela, the Zyuoh Shark, their attacks driven by a toxic blend of hatred and pride.

Sela, her eyes filled with bitterness, retaliated, "You always thought you were the best, Leo. It's about time someone put you in your place."

Amu, Zyuoh Tiger, lashed out at Tusk, Zyuoh Elephant, her movements driven by the resentment she had long harbored. "You were always too soft, Tusk. Maybe it's time someone toughened you up."

Tusk, before the peacemaker, now finds himself entangled in the web of violence. "We’re not a team, not a family. Why should I care about any of you?"

Akumaryu, hidden in the shadows, reveled in the chaotic spectacle. The victorious laughter echoed through the cursed wilderness as the Zyuohgers, now fractured and broken, fought not only against the Moeba minions but against the very essence of their corrupted souls.

Yamato, his eyes ablaze with malignancy, mocked his teammates between swings of his weapon. "Look at you, tearing each other apart. You were never heroes. Just a group of weaklings pretending to make a difference."

The once-vibrant spandex suits of the Zyuohgers now bore the scars of both internal strife and the relentless assaults of the Moeba minions. The forest, dense with the stench of betrayal, absorbed the cries of anguish and the triumphant laughter of the diabolical sorceress.

The battles raged on, the Zyuohgers locked in a dance of violence, each strike further deepening the wounds of their shattered union. Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk now fight as bitter adversaries under the twisted influence of the cursed wilderness.

In the heart of the cursed forest, the diabolical influence had turned the once-united Zyuohgers into bitter adversaries. Yamato, Zyuoh Eagle, had succumbed to the dark rage within him, attacking his own friends with a ferocity that mirrored the hostility festering in the hearts of Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk.

As Yamato's EagRiser slashed through the air, striking his former comrades, the Zyuohgers, now consumed by their own violent tendencies, reveled in the chaos. Leo, the Zyuoh Lion, grinned sadistically inside his helmet as he dodged Yamato's blows. "About time."

Due to her long-suppressed resentment, Amu, Zyuoh Tiger, attacked with a newfound ferocity. "This is what happens when you put your faith in someone who was never one of us. Pathetic."

Tusk the Zyuoh Elephant had his eyes inside the helmet reflecting the bitterness that had taken root and murmured to himself, "We should have seen this coming. Yamato, you were never our leader."

Yamato's laughter, now distorted by both rage and corruption, echoed through the cursed wilderness. The forest responded to his poison, granting him the transformation into the dreaded Instinct Awakened form. Glorious feathered wings unfolded from his back as he towered above his defeated comrades, a corrupted deity reveling in the mayhem.

As Yamato roared with monstrous laughter, the sorceress Akumaryu seized the moment. With a wicked grin, she hurled a concoction of golden goop that enveloped Yamato, turning him into a life-sized golden statue. His monstrous laughter transformed into a tortured roar, now trapped within the metallic confines of his gilded prison. The sorceress Akumaryu reveled in her victory, knowing that Yamato would never escape his golden prison.

"Congratulations, Zyuohgers. Your abhorrence and discord have served my company well," she taunted, relishing in the chaos she had sown.


Leo, his eyes filled with contempt, glared at the sorceress. "What is the meaning of this? What have you done to Yamato?"

Akumaryu, her laughter echoing through the twisted wilderness, revealed her sinister plan. "Your leader's soul now resides within that golden statue, courtesy of my beautiful research corporation. You see, you’re in my private forest lot, filled with my experimental flora. With magic and biotechnology mixed, all are designed to bring down even the strongest heroes, like the Zyuohgers. I use your own wild side to destroy your team, and soon, all of you will become a part of this amusement."

Sela, her fists clenched, spat out her disdain. "So, this was your plan all along? To turn us against each other and trap Yamato as a puppet in your sick game."

The forest, dense with the twisted aura of corruption, echoed with the triumphant cries of the Zyuohgers. Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk, their suits battered and hearts broken, stared at the golden statue that was before Yamato.

"Leo, Sela, Amu, Tusk, it's me! You have to break this curse!" Yamato's voice, pure and untainted, reverberated within the statue. "I'm trapped in here, and Akumaryu is using my essence to power the forest. You have to free me!"

Yet, outside, the Zyuohgers, blinded by shock and rage, couldn't hear his desperate pleas. Their fear and hatred for the corrupted Yamato overshadowed the truth that he had become a victim of Akumaryu's twisted machinations.

However, despite the revelation, the Zyuohgers did not harbor any sympathy for their fallen leader. Their resentment and distrust ran too deep. Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a shared sentiment of disdain for the once-revered captain.

"Save him?" Leo scoffed, his voice dripping with bitterness. "Why bother? He was never one of us. We just need to make sure we don't end up like him."

Sela with her unforgiving gaze inside her shark-themed helmet added, "Yamato got what he deserved. Let him be a reminder of what happens when you let weakness lead."

Amu with her feline anger fueling her resolve declared, "I won't shed a tear for him. This was his doing. We're better off without him."

Tusk scoffed at the sight of his former captain-turned-trophy. "Captain? He was never fit to lead us. Look at him now, just another monster in the forest."

As the Zyuohgers turned their backs on the golden statue that once housed Yamato's soul, the cursed forest reveled in the success of Akumaryu's insidious plot. The venomous sorceress disappeared into the shadows, leaving the Zyuohgers to navigate the twisted terrain of their own corrupted hearts.

In the heart of the cursed forest, the venomous plan of Akumaryu unfolded with nightmarish precision. The golden statue of Zyuoh Eagle, once Yamato's heroic form, stood as a focal point for the siphoning of his soul's power. As the process began, Yamato's trapped soul screamed in agonizing pain within the metallic confines.

Yamato's cries of despair were drowned out by the chaos erupting around him. His soulless Zyuoh Eagle form, now fueled by the stolen essence, continued its rampage. The Instinct Awakened form, a manifestation of abhorrence and violence, clashed against the other Zyuohgers, who were now entangled in a ferocious free-for-all.

Leo, Sela, Amu, and Tusk, already divided by their internal strife, now turned on each other with a newfound intensity. The cursed forest echoed with the sounds of clashing weapons, pained grunts, and the fiendish laughter of Akumaryu, who reveled in the escalating chaos.

Amu, her eyes filled with both rage and sorrow, confronted Sela. "This is your fault, Zyuoh Shark! Your lack of trust in the team has led us to this."

Sela, parrying Amu's strikes, retorted, "Don't blame me for your own weaknesses, Zyuoh Tiger. This forest thrives on our inner turmoil."

Tusk, desperately trying to mediate, found himself entangled in combat with Leo. "We need to stop this! Our fighting only makes Akumaryu stronger!"

Leo, fueled by resentment, dismissed Tusk's plea. "I don't care about Akumaryu! I care about survival, and right now, you're in my way!"

As the Zyuohgers battled each other, the black Moeba foot soldiers, now empowered by the absorbed essence of the Zyuoh Eagle, intensified their onslaught. The previously-unified team was now fractured beyond repair, each member blinded by their individual grievances.

Amidst the chaos, Akumaryu, standing beside the life-sized golden statue of Zyuoh Eagle, gloated in the unfolding discord. "Such a magnificent display of hate. This forest will feast on the remnants of your shattered unity. You'll all become part of it, one way or another."

She fondled the golden statue, savoring the twisted triumph. "Look at your precious leader now, a mere puppet in the dance of despair. His essence sustains this forest, and soon you will join him in eternal torment."

Yamato's soul, still trapped within the golden prison, continued to scream in pain and desperation. "Break free, my friends! This is not the fate we deserve!”

But his pleas fell on deaf ears, as the Zyuohgers, driven by hate and distrust, were locked in a relentless battle that seemed to have no end. The cursed forest, now thriving on the discord it had sown, absorbed the escalating violence with a pang of voracious hunger.

The ground rumbled, and the forest canopy unveiled a hovering, heavy helicopter. Automatic chains and straps tangled Zyuoh Eagle’s golden trophy statue and locked it in place before pulling it up. “You can say goodbye to your hero career, Eagle. You will be the first of my private collection of laughable animal Sentai team trophy collections!” boasted Akumaryu while mockingly waving her hands at the ascending glowing figure. “I’ll save the best room in my mansion, complete with bright spotlights to show your beautiful yet wasted toned muscles! Hahaha!”

“No, no, NO!” screamed Yamato’s soul, yet no voice could escape the evil golden trophy prison.



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