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Plunge into the first chapter of the Hades House Dekaranger Peril series, where the corridors come alive with the malevolent intent of crushing all hope. DekaYellow, Pink, and DekaBreak face relentless evil rooms that threaten to annihilate them. Will they resist the unyielding pressure or succumb to the merciless embrace of the shifting chambers?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

Ken K

Mittons (Boonnit)


Ty smith




Violet Fentenstine


Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


Get the door!

The Dekabase, the Dekarangers’ formidable fortress of justice that towered above the city skyline, now echoed with an unsettling silence. The team of Dekarangers who were stationed within their command room felt the air thicken with an unspoken dread. Suddenly, the dimly lit sky outside the observation windows flickered as an otherworldly portal tore through the fabric of reality, birthing an ominous behemoth.

A colossal, blackened structure emerged from the portal with its malevolence casting a shadow that swallowed the stars. It hung ominously, defying gravity as if reality itself recoiled at its presence. The Dekarangers exchanged uneasy glances as their vigor was momentarily eclipsed by an unspoken understanding that they were facing something beyond the realms of their training.

With a gut-wrenching crash, the evil entity, now known as Hades House, descended upon the Dekabase. The impact sent shockwaves through the command room, rattling consoles and dislodging equipment. Alarms blared as DekaRed, Banban Akaza, the fiery captain of the team, shouted over the chaos, "What in the name of justice is happening?!"

Jasmine the DekaYellow with her eyes glued to the rapidly changing situation on the monitors frantically analyzed the incoming data. "It's assimilating our base! Hades House is devouring us from above. We need to act now!"

Umeko the DekaPink with her typically vibrant demeanor tainted by terror added, "The corridors are warping, and the chambers are being consumed! Our cadets are trapped. We have to save them!"

Senichi the DekaGreen with his fingers dancing across the keyboard maintained a semblance of composure. "The structural integrity is compromised. We're being assimilated from the top down. If we don't find a way to stop it, we'll be erased along with the Dekabase."

DekaBreak with his eyes gleaming with willpower and eagerness for battle clenched his fists. "Looks like we've got ourselves a real nightmare. Time to show this Hades House the power of justice!"

Lisa the DekaBright, her voice steady but laced with urgency, joined the conversation. "We can't let it take our base. Our training, our unity—it's time to put everything to the test!"

Doggie Kruger, the wise and stoic commander, cut through the tension with a resolute tone. "DekaRangers, focus. We're facing an unknown enemy, and our cadets are in peril. Our duty is clear. Move out, and let justice prevail."

As the team rushed to the corridors, each step felt like a descent into an abyss of uncertainty. The once-familiar walls of the Dekabase now pulsated with an otherworldly glow. The air was thick with an eerie fog and distant echoes of trapped cadets resonated, their anguished cries melding with the unnatural groans of Hades House.

DekaRed led the charge with his voice cutting through the chaos. "We've faced tough challenges, but this is different. We're not just fighting for the base; we're fighting for each other. Let's show this Hades House what it means to be Dekarangers!"

DekaYellow and DekaPink flanked him, their D-Magnums drawn, ready for whatever horrors awaited. DekaBlue and DekaGreen, with analytical precision, navigated the shifting labyrinth of their once-secure home.

Tekkan as a force of raw power cracked his knuckles. "Time to clean up this mess, Deka-style!"

DekaBright and DekaSwan, with their unique skills, provided crucial support as the team pressed forward into the unknown, their heroic resolve unwavering even in the face of eldritch horror. The battle against Hades House had just begun, and the fate of the Dekabase and its cadets rested on the shoulders of these brave heroes.

The Dekabase had become a nightmare as Hades House extended its insidious influence through the shifting corridors and chambers. In the darkened halls of the once-familiar Dekabase, the terror unfolded for the unsuspecting Deka Academy cadets.

Kenta found himself in a corridor that elongated and twisted with each step. Panic set in as the walls seemed to breathe, closing in on him. "DekaRangers! Help!" he cried into his communicator, his voice trembling as the walls devoured his desperate pleas.

Ayaka, trapped in her quarters, witnessed the once-soft walls morph into sinister tendrils. She whispered urgently into her communicator, "DekaRangers, it's alive! The walls are alive! Help!" The transmission cut abruptly, leaving only the haunting echoes of her plea.

Ryota navigated a labyrinthine hallway, the floor beneath him shifting unpredictably. "DekaRangers, something's wrong with the gravity! I can't keep my balance!" he shouted, his fear escalating as the corridor threatened to consume him.

Sakura stumbled into a chamber that distorted her perception of space. Her voice trembled as she reached out to the Dekarangers, "I don't know where I am! Please, help me!" Her distress signal flickered, indicating an unsettling end.

Takashi found himself in a chamber where the air shimmered with otherworldly energy. "DekaRangers, I'm surrounded by some kind of energy field! I can't get out!" he exclaimed, his pleas drowned out by the ominous hum of the assimilating chamber.

Miyuki, named after her favorite DekaBright, discovered her once-secure hideaway turning into a claustrophobic nightmare. "Help! The walls are closing in! I can't breathe!" she gasped, her voice fading as her sanctuary succumbed to the encroaching darkness.

Daichi, with a penchant for mischief, found himself in a hall that seemed to mock his every move. "This isn't funny anymore! DekaRangers, I need out! The walls are closing in on me!" he yelled, his laughter turning to terror as the walls seemed to respond to his every emotion.

As the cadets' distress signals reached the Dekarangers, each plea carved a deeper sense of urgency into the hearts of the heroes. Banban, leading the charge, clenched his fist. "We can't let this nightmare continue. We have to save them, no matter what it takes."

DekaSwan, her eyes fixed on the security feeds, added, "The assimilation is spreading faster than we thought. We need to move quickly or risk losing them all."

DekaRed's voice boomed with sense of purpose, "DekaRangers, let's split up. We need to rescue as many as we can. Remember, our priority is saving lives."

The team dispersed, navigating the ever-shifting labyrinth of the Dekabase. As they reached the first trapped cadet, Kenta, DekaRed's voice echoed through the corridor, "Hold on, Kenta! We're coming for you!" The walls recoiled as DekaBlue and DekaGreen used their expertise to stabilize the corridor, creating a temporary path to safety.

DekaYellow and DekaPink, reaching Ayaka's quarters, skillfully dismantled the assimilating tendrils. "Stay close," DekaYellow reassured, guiding Ayaka through the now-twisted but navigable hallways.

Ryota's pleas for help were answered by DekaRed and DekaBlue, who stabilized the shifting gravity. "Hang in there, Ryota-kun!" DekaBlue shouted, assisting Ryota to solid ground as the corridor ceased its chaotic dance.

DekaGreen and DekaSwan, responding to Takashi's distress call, utilized their scientific knowledge to dismantle the energy field. "We've got you, Takashi. Move quickly!" DekaGreen urged as they escorted him to safety.

Sakura, trapped in the assimilating chamber, saw a glimmer of hope as DekaPink and DekaBreak skillfully restored order. "Follow us, Sakura-chan. We'll get you out of here," DekaPink assured, leading her through the convoluted passages.

Miyuki, panicking in her closing hideaway, was comforted by DekaBright herself. "We won't let the darkness take you, Miyuki-chan. Stick close to us," DekaBright said, guiding her to the nearest stabilized corridor.

Daichi, still trapped in the hall that seemed to mock his every move, felt relief as DekaRed and DekaBreak dismantled the walls closing in on him. "Quit fooling around, Daichi. Let's get you out of here," Tekkan chuckled, leading him to safety.

The once-familiar corridors twisted and writhed as DekaYellow and DekaPink raced to reach Ayaka who was trapped within her quarters. The air was thick with an otherworldly tension, and the walls seemed to pulse with a monstrous urge.

"Almost there!" DekaYellow shouted as she sprinted, her D-Magnum drawn and ready. DekaPink followed closely, willpower etched across her face.

As they neared Ayaka's quarters, the walls around them suddenly shifted, closing in with an unnatural speed. Panic set in as the once-clear path morphed into a claustrophobic trap. Jasmine and Umeko hammered and pummeled the encroaching walls with their weapons, but the hellish aura seemed to absorb their blows, the walls closing in tighter.

"Back off! We're not giving up!" the strained DekaPink shouted to DekaYellow. The walls squeezed with the very air constricting around them. Their weapons became desperate as rapid tools against an encroaching doom.

Meanwhile, Banban the DekaRed and Hoji the DekaBlue were on a collision course with the trapped DekaCadet Red, Kenta. The urgency of their mission weighed heavily as the twisted corridors seemed to conspire against them.

"Stay strong, Kenta! We're almost there!" DekaRed bellowed with his voice echoing through the ever-shifting maze. DekaBlue analyzed the walls for any sign of weakness.

Just as they were within arm's reach of the distressed cadet, the walls shifted once more to cruelly separate the Dekarangers from their goal. The disorienting effect left them pounding on solid barriers, frustration and desperation mounting.

"No! Kenta-kun! Hold on!" DekaRed's voice echoed through the labyrinth, his fists pounding against the implacable walls. Kenta, on the other side, pressed his palms against the shifting barrier, a palpable sense of helplessness in his eyes.

DekaYellow and DekaPink, likewise separated from Ayaka, exchanged frantic glances. The walls seemed to mock their efforts, shifting and closing in with a relentless sense of purpose.

"We can't lose them like this!" DekaYellow's plea was met with the disheartening reality of unyielding walls. Their D-Magnums sparked futilely against the encroaching force, each attempt met with an eerie silence.

As the walls closed in tighter, DekaRed's voice cut through the grim scene, "We need a plan. We can't let the base consume us."

Senichi the DekaGreen and DekaSwan assessed the situation from the command room. "We can't establish stable communication with them. The walls are disrupting the signals," DekaGreen observed, his analytical mind working to find a solution.

Swan Shiratori the DekaSwan with her eyes focused on the security feed, added, "If we don't act quickly, the assimilation will consume them. We need to find a way to disrupt the walls from here."

In the trapped quarters, Ayaka’s distress was palpable. "DekaRangers, please! I can't breathe in here. Help me!" Her pleas echoed through the confined space, yet the walls seemingly absorbed her words.

Kenta, in the same dire predicament, pounded on the barrier separating him from DekaRed and DekaBlue. "Captain! I'm not giving up, but I need your help!"

Each Dekarangers in their isolated sections of the labyrinth faced the cruel reality that the very walls of their once-secure haven had become their nemesis. The shifting corridors and deadly rooms played a macabre landscape of despair as the cadets' distress calls reverberated through the encroaching darkness.

In the command room, DekaGreen's fingers danced across the keyboard. "I'm trying to override the base systems. If I can disrupt the assimilation process, we might have a chance."

DekaSwan added, "Keep going. We can't lose them. The Dekarangers are our last line of defense."

As the tension escalated, DekaRed and DekaBlue continued their relentless assault on the walls. "There has to be a weak point!" DekaRed's frustration boiled over, but sense of purpose burned in his eyes.

In Ayaka's quarters, DekaYellow and DekaPink refused to relent. "We're getting out of here, Ayaka-chan. Just hold on!" DekaPink's resolve echoed through the confined space.

The walls, seemingly sentient, tightened their grip. The Dekarangers, trapped in this nightmarish dance, fought against the encroaching doom with every ounce of strength.


In the eldritch corridor of the twisted Dekabase interior, Jasmine and Umeko found themselves besieged by attacking root tentacles. The shifting, nightmarish surroundings added an extra layer of disorientation to their perilous situation. As the menacing tentacles lunged towards them, the Dekaranger heroines swiftly brandished their weapons, determined to fend off the encroaching darkness.

Jasmine wielded her D-Magnums with precision, firing energy blasts that struck down several incoming tentacles. Umeko, armed with her D-Knuckle, delivered powerful blows, the energy-charged punches causing the attacking tendrils to recoil. The corridor echoed with the cacophony of weapon clashes and the pained cries of the wounded tentacles.

"Jasmine-chan, keep firing! We need to find a way out of this nightmare!" Umeko shouted amidst the chaos, her voice strained with urgency. The eldritch corridor seemed to shift and twist in response to their every move, adding a surreal layer of difficulty to their desperate struggle.

The heroines fought valiantly, their Dekaranger weapons a beacon of defiance against the hellish urges that sought to ensnare them. Yet, for every tentacle they managed to destroy, more emerged from the eldritch shadows, brushing against them with an agonizing touch that elicited pained screams.

A particularly powerful slap from the tentacles sent DekaYellow and Pink hurtling into an unfamiliar chamber. The walls of the new space were adorned with assimilating black tendrils, a grotesque display of the demoniac anima that permeated the Dekabase.

Jasmine and Umeko, disoriented from the forceful entry, quickly realized the dire predicament they now faced. As they attempted to escape, the endless tendrils congealed into a solid wall, sealing their fate with an unsettling finality. The heroines were trapped, their eyes widening in horror as the tendrils coiled and solidified, forming an impenetrable barrier.

"Umeko-chan, we're trapped! We need to find a way to break through this!" Jasmine's voice, tinged with frustration, reflected the urgency of their situation. The assimilating tendrils pulsated with an ominous energy, seemingly feeding off the fear and desperation of the trapped heroines.

Umeko scanned the walls, her analytical mind racing to find a solution. "Jasmine, focus your D-Magnums on that weak point near the top left. We need to create an opening before these tendrils fully encase us!"

The heroines coordinated their efforts, targeting the weak point identified by Umeko. Jasmine unleashed a barrage of energy blasts from her D-Magnums, the vibrant bursts colliding with the tendrils. The chamber resonated with the explosive energy, and for a moment, it seemed like the tendrils might yield.

However, the rancorous force fought back with renewed intensity. The tendrils recoiled momentarily, only to surge forward again, resisting the heroines' attempts to break free. The trapped Dekarangers exchanged a glance, a shared realization that their struggle was far from over.

As the grim battle in the eldritch corridor continued, DekaYellow and Pink fought not only against the physical manifestations of the demoniac anima but also against the relentless psychological pressure of being ensnared in a seemingly inescapable trap. The eldritch whispers of the twisted Dekabase echoed through the corridor, amplifying the sense of dread that permeated their every move.

In an unexpected and nightmarish twist, tendril spikes burst forth from the floor, impaling Jasmine and Umeko between their legs. The excruciating pain was immediate and indescribable, immobilizing them in a state of utter agony and dread.

Jasmine and Umeko's screams echoed through the eldritch corridor, reaching a frenzied pitch as their bodies twitched and writhed involuntarily. The tendrils, like merciless instruments of torment, held them captive in a macabre display of suffering.

"Ah! Ah! Wha—what is—s-stop! St-stop this!" Jasmine's voice, once strong and determined, now faltered into a frenzied series of disjointed pleas, her screams piercing the eldritch corridor.

Umeko, her normally composed demeanor shattered, added to the cacophony with a panicked jumble of words, "No, no, please! I can't—can't take—make it stop! Stop!"

The tendril spikes, cruel tormentors embedded between their legs, had become agents of psychological chaos. As the pain intensified, so did the frenzied nature of their cries with each scream an evidence to the brutal assault on their minds.

"St—st-sto—stop it! Stop, stop, stop!" Jasmine's words overlapped with Umeko's in a frenetic clamor of panic, the eldritch corridor resonating with the dissonance of their broken dialogue.

The eldritch whispers, now distorted and warped, seemed to mock their desperate attempts to form coherent thoughts. The once-heroic Dekarangers, trapped in a nightmare of pain, struggled to articulate anything beyond the overwhelming sense of dread that consumed them.

the tendril spikes, relentless in their torment, lifted Jasmine and Umeko higher, rendering them suspended in the air. Their boots dangled futilely, unable to touch the floor, and their legs kicked violently in a desperate attempt to break free from the cruel grip of the malign spikes.

The duo's entire bodies spasmed violently, every muscle convulsing in response to the overwhelming pain that permeated their being. The tendril spikes, embedded between their legs, had become sadistic puppeteers, orchestrating a macabre dance of suffering that left Jasmine and Umeko helpless in its clutches.

As the eldritch torment reached new heights, the heroines' minds shattered under the relentless assault. Their mouths foamed with a mixture of agony and despair, and their eyes rolled back, revealing only the whites as they descended into a nightmarish abyss of torment.

"St—st—stop! Pl—please, I can't—can't take it! St—sto—stop!" Jasmine's voice, once marked by willpower, now tumbled into a jumbled cacophony of pleas. Each syllable emerged as a disjointed cry, lost in the chaotic racket of their shared torment.

Umeko's attempts at coherent speech fared no better, her words a fractured mosaic of panic and pain. "No, no, no! I—I don't—don't want this! Ma—make it st—st—stop!" Her frenzied pleas merged with Jasmine's, creating a disorienting chorus of suffering.

The tendril spikes, seemingly fueled by the heroines' anguish, pulsed with malign energy. The eldritch corridor itself seemed to echo their torment, the twisted space reveling in the breaking of once-resilient spirits.

Higher and higher the spikes lifted them, amplifying the sense of helplessness that pervaded their suspended forms. With each futile kick and convulsion, the heroines struggled against an unseen force that delighted in their suffering.

In the tangible world, the corrupted chamber remained silent devoid of any external intervention. The twisted Dekabase held its captive heroes in a nightmarish grip, far removed from the reach of allies who might have otherwise come to their aid.

As the heroines hung in the air, their minds consumed by pain, the eldritch whispers intensified, weaving a tapestry of maddening thoughts. The once-coherent voices of DekaYellow and Pink now existed in a realm of disjointed chaos, their dialogue a manifestation of the fractured minds that succumbed to the hellish aura.

As the tendril spikes held Jasmine and Umeko in their agonizing grasp, the duo's jumbled dialogue transformed into desperate denials of their impending doom. Each disjointed word became a feeble attempt to resist the overwhelming pain that surged through their bodies.

"N-no, this can't be real! Not like this! N-no!" Jasmine's voice, once resolute, now trembled with disbelief as her muscles throbbed and writhed in violent spasms.

Umeko's attempts at coherence dissolved into a torrent of denial, her words a desperate plea for escape from the excruciating torment. "I—I won't accept this! It's not—can't be happening! Help!"

The tendril spikes that were fueled by sadistic malevolence, seemed to tighten their grip, amplifying the physical and mental anguish inflicted upon the trapped heroines. The once-confident warriors, now ensnared in a nightmarish tableau, struggled against an inescapable fate.

As the pain intensified, their pleas evolved into desperate cries for their fellow Dekarangers to come to their rescue. The heroines, once pillars of courage, now found themselves on the precipice of despair.

"Help us! Please, someone, save us!" Jasmine's voice, now tinged with desperation, reverberated through the eldritch corridor. Her muscles, subjected to relentless torment, convulsed with each futile attempt to break free.

Umeko's pleas joined the dissonant clamor with her words a haunting echo of the fear that gripped them both. "Dekarangers, we need you! Can't—can't bear it much longer! Save us!"

The eldritch corridor that was indifferent to their cries echoed with the haunting desperation of two heroines caught in the throes of unimaginable torment. The once-unyielding spirits of DekaYellow and Pink wavered in the face of the malign force that sought to crush their resolve.

In the twisted dance of pain and denial, the heroines clung to a flicker of hope that their comrades would heed their pleas. The eldritch dimension, however, seemed to revel in their suffering, indifferent to the courage that had defined the Dekarangers.

DekaYellow and DekaPink succumbed to the torment, their weapons slipping from their grasp and clattering to the ground. The tendril spikes that held them suspended seemed to revel in their vulnerability, stripping away the symbols of their heroic identity.

As if the eldritch dimension sensed their powerlessness, additional black tentacles slithered forth, coiling around the helpless heroines. The new arrivals lashed out mercilessly, whipping across their defenseless forms with a sadistic precision that added a layer of humiliation to the already unbearable torment.

Jasmine and Umeko, stripped of their weapons and suspended in the air, could only scream in visceral response to the onslaught. Their voices, now strained and raw from the ordeal, echoed through the eldritch corridor in a storm of suffering.

"Ah! No, please! S-stop!" Jasmine's pleas for mercy mixed with agonized screams as the tentacles continued their ruthless assault. The once-heroic DekaYellow, now reduced to a pitiful victim, writhed in the grasp of the malign force.

Umeko's cries joined the dissonant chorus, her voice cracking under the weight of the relentless whipping. "Stop, stop this! We—I can't win against it!" The once-confident DekaPink, now exposed and vulnerable, became a tragic figure ensnared in a nightmarish tableau.

The eldritch whispers, now a cacophony of taunting voices, seemed to derive perverse pleasure from the heroines' degradation. The tentacles, like rancorous executioners, carried out their torment with a cruel efficiency.

The heroines, suspended and defenseless, became unwilling participants in a ritual of humiliation. Each lash of the tentacles added to the physical and emotional torment, leaving Jasmine and Umeko in a state of helpless despair.

"I-I thought we were stronger! We faced countless threats, stood against the darkest of foes, but this—this is beyond anything we've endured!" Jasmine's voice erupted in loud, frenzied screams, the agony of the situation transforming her admission into a desperate outcry. "Pathetic... so small!" she wailed, her words a frenetic expression of defeat echoing through the eldritch corridor.

Umeko, her cries for help becoming more desperate, shrieked through gasps of agony, "We're... we're not invincible! So small, even in our cries for help! How did we end up like this?!" The crushing realization of their own vulnerability punctuated her frenzied words, a stark contrast to the once-confident DekaPink who now faced the depths of her own fragility.

The eldritch whispers seemed to amplify their self-awareness, taunting them with the acknowledgment of their diminished stature in the face of the malign force. The heroines, suspended and humiliated, grappled with the profound truth that even their cries for salvation felt feeble and insignificant.

As the tentacles continued their relentless assault, Jasmine and Umeko confronted the painful reality that heroism did not equate to invincibility. The once-mighty Dekarangers, now reduced to trembling figures in the clutches of an unspeakable evil, found themselves grappling not only with physical torment but also with the humbling acknowledgment of their own vulnerability.

"Someone, please! We can't take this! We're just—just..." Jasmine's voice broke into uncontrollable sobs, the weight of their helplessness crashing over her in waves. "Is this how it ends for us? Reduced to this, helpless and small?"

Umeko's desperate pleas joined the dissonant noise, her words a frantic plea for salvation. "Dekarangers, anyone! We're drowning in this nightmare. Save us from this torment, please! We're not the heroes we thought we were."

In the midst of their frenzied torment, Jasmine and Umeko witnessed a surreal sight—a black tree trunk, eerily contrasting against the eldritch surroundings, dangling black apples above them. The dark fruits swayed as if luring them with false hope.

In a moment of crushed spirit and despair, Umeko, driven to the edge, accepted the sight as her twisted salvation. Without hesitation, she promptly and violently removed her protective DekaPink helmet, exposing her face to the demoniac animas that surrounded them.

The act shocked Jasmine, her psychic senses warning her of the illusionary nature of the apples. Despite this knowledge, the overwhelming despair of the moment took hold, and her mind's eye became flooded with vivid imagery of the black apples. The illusion played tricks on her psyche, overwhelming her senses and driving her to scream in sheer agony.

"Umeko-chan, no! It's a trick! Don't—don't give in!" Jasmine's frantic warning, laced with the despair of witnessing her comrade succumb to the illusion, reverberated through the eldritch corridor. The black apples, once symbols of false hope, now cast a haunting shadow over the twisted landscape.

Umeko, in her desperate state, seemed oblivious to Jasmine's warning. Her exposed face, framed by the removal of her helmet, bore the weight of both vulnerability and misguided acceptance. In a frenzied plea, she cried out, "It’s too strong! Someone, please! I can't... I can't take this anymore. Help me!" The lure of the black apples had ensnared her, and her cries for salvation echoed through the eldritch nightmare.

As the illusion unfolded, the eldritch dimension seemed to revel in the heroes' vulnerability. The black tree, a sinister manifestation of the malign force that surrounded them, watched as the heroes grappled with their shattered spirits. Its dark tentacle changed into evil hands that offered Umeko her false salvation.

Jasmine who was caught between the harsh reality of the torment and the illusionary temptation of the black apples struggled to maintain her mental fortitude. The psychic onslaught of false imagery intensified, drowning her senses in a sea of despair.

In a desperate attempt to break Umeko free from the allure of the black apples, Jasmine harnessed her psychic power. However, as she concentrated, an overwhelming and demoniac anima bore down on her senses. The heavy, evil sensation infiltrated her psychic defenses, shattering her focus and inundating her with an indescribable darkness.

"Ah! No, no, this can't be happening!" Jasmine's shocked dialogue erupted as the oppressive force overwhelmed her. She felt a violent and frenzied reaction seize her body. Overwhelmed by the malevolence, Jasmine found herself succumbing to an involuntary and horrifying physical manifestation of her internal turmoil—she wet herself in a frenzied, exhausted horror.

The sensation of helplessness intensified as the lingering pain from the invading spikes continued to torment her. The eldritch nightmare, having exploited the vulnerabilities of both DekaYellow and DekaPink, reveled in the spectacle of heroes brought to the brink of both physical and psychological unraveling. The tableau of despair unfolded amidst the swaying black apples and the exposed face of DekaPink, with Jasmine's involuntary reaction serving as a cruel reminder of the malign forces that sought to crush their spirits.

In the throes of physical and psychic torment, the depleted Jasmine, wrecked by the invading spike pain, weakly begged Umeko to resist the allure of the black apple.

"Umeko-chan, please... don't eat it. You’re stronger than you think," Jasmine's voice which was filled with both exhaustion and desperation pleaded for her comrade's resistance.

Despite Jasmine's plea, the helmetless DekaPink took a tentative bite into the rotten black apple. The sight revealed a disgusting revelation—a writhing worm infested the core. Umeko recoiled in shock and horror, but an inexplicable force seemed to compel her to continue chewing. She couldn't stop herself, each bite a realization of her loss of control.

Umeko, now caught in a cycle of shock and grim realization, begged Jasmine to free her. "Jasmine-chan, please, help me! I can't... I can't stop. It's making me eat it," she pleaded, her voice a mixture of fear and desperation.

Despite the horrifying revelation of the worm-filled apple, Umeko succumbed to the hellish evil, taking another bite. The relentless compulsion persisted, forcing her to consume the entire evil black apple. The poison within it began to take hold, causing her stomach to churn painfully.

As the poison spread through her, Umeko's screams echoed through the eldritch corridor. The once-confident DekaPink had become a pathetic victim of the demoniac forces that sought to break the spirit of the Dekarangers.

"Umeko-chan! No, no, don’t give up!" Jasmine's weakened voice strained with the weight of witnessing her comrade succumb to the evil. The tableau of despair expanded, with Umeko's agonized screams joining the haunting chorus of the eldritch dimension, a clamor of suffering that seemed to revel in the heroes' downfall.

In the aftermath of consuming the poisoned black apple, the poisoned Umeko experienced a violent bout of vomiting of black goop bursting from her mouth before a powerful diarrhea that mercilessly soiled her DekaPink costume. The once-heroic form-fitting attire became a grim testament to the horrors that unfolded.

Umeko who was horrified by the uncontrollable bodily response screamed in terror. "No, no, this can't be happening! Jasmine, help me!" Her terrified dialogue mirrored the shock and disbelief of witnessing her own degradation.

Jasmine who was already weakened and devastated by the unfolding nightmare could only look on with amalgamated horror and sympathy. "Umeko, I... I can't believe this. We need to find a way out of here," she whispered, her voice tinged with the weight of helplessness.

Tormented by the stench of her own waste, Umeko's once-confident demeanor crumbled into a frenzied state of shock. Her dialogue became a disarray of stuttering and jumbled words as she grappled with the unimaginable degradation.

"I—I can't believe... this smell. It's... it's overwhelming. Jasmine-chan, help! I—what do we do?" Umeko's desperate and fragmented words echoed through the eldritch corridor, a stark contrast to the once-assured DekaPink who now found herself ensnared in a nightmare of her own making.

As Umeko endured the torments of her poisoned state, her face grew increasingly pale, and her lips took on a haunting shade of black. The relentless effects of the poison wrought a terrible toll on her, and her weakened body succumbed to the toxic assault.

In her final moments, Umeko managed to utter words of desperate pleading. "J-Jasmine, I'm scared. Please, make it stop. Wake me up from this nightmare," she gasped, her voice a fragile whisper amidst the encroaching darkness.

Jasmine, witnessing the horrifying transformation, called out in utter horror, "Umeko-chan, wake up! Please, don't leave me alone in this nightmare." Her desperate plea echoed through the eldritch corridor, but there was no response from the lifeless DekaPink.

To Jasmine's pained terror, the spikes, seemingly endowed with a demoniac intelligence, took control of her body, manipulating her arms to remove the protective shield of her DekaYellow helmet. As the helmet was lifted, her psychic senses were bombarded with grotesque imagery—a worm-infested, rotten apple of pure evil dangled ominously in front of her.

Frantically and violently, she denied the poisonous allure of the apple, her dialogue a desperate declaration of defiance. "No! I won't succumb to this evil. I won't be another victim!" Jasmine's voice, tinged with grief and rage, echoed through the eldritch corridor as she vehemently resisted the dark forces that sought to ensnare her.

The violent dangling tree branch, devoid of any need for permission or acknowledgment, moved with a sinister intent. With a cruel force, it jammed the rotten black apple into Jasmine's mouth, compelling her to gag as the putrid taste invaded her senses. The relentless assault forced the vile fruit further into her throat, silencing her desperate screams and cries.

Amidst this heinous act, Jasmine's shocked and jumbled dialogue erupted in a frenzied cacophony of disbelief and horror. "No! What—why is this happening? Can't breathe, can't... stop it!" Her words, disjointed and frantic, struggled to convey the overwhelming shock of the violation she endured.

DekaYellow, now rendered helpless in the grip of the eldritch forces, thrashed violently against the intrusion. Her muffled screams, interwoven with the grotesque violation, echoed through the corridor—a poignant discordance of agony and despair. The eldritch nightmare unfolded with unrelenting cruelty, as Jasmine grappled not only with the physical violation of her body but also the mental anguish of witnessing her own degradation.

To compound her horror, the insidious effects of the poisoning began to gnaw at Jasmine's body. The violent onslaught unleashed an uncontrollable bout of diarrhea, mirroring Umeko's earlier torment and further soiling her once-heroic DekaYellow suit. As the wretched ordeal unfolded, Jasmine, already grappling with the violation of the rotten black apple, found herself shocked and horrified to be a victim of such debasement.

"I-I can't believe this... I'm... a victim too?" Jasmine's disjointed and shocked dialogue reflected her utter disbelief at the degrading fate that had befallen her. The eldritch nightmare seemed relentless, an unyielding force intent on breaking the once-mighty spirits of the Dekarangers.

As the poison continued its insidious spread, Jasmine's once-resilient mind deteriorated further. Her desperate and deteriorating dialogue begged for her fellow heroes to come to her rescue before she met the same tragic fate as Umeko. Each word, tainted by the encroaching darkness, echoed through the eldritch corridor as a haunting plea for salvation.

"Someone, please... save me. I can't endure this. I don't want to end up like Umeko," Jasmine's voice, now a fragile whisper, carried the weight of both fear and desperation. The eldritch nightmare, indifferent to her pleas, seemed to revel in the gradual unraveling of the heroine's spirit. Her once-vibrant face grew increasingly pale.

In a tragic culmination of torment, Jasmine, the once-vigilant DekaYellow, succumbed to the same fate as Umeko. The poison's relentless assault culminated in a violent and abrupt end, extinguishing the last traces of her once-heroic spirit. In her final moments, Jasmine's voice erupted in a piercing scream, a harrowing caterwauling of agony that reverberated through the eldritch corridor.

"NO! Someone, please... save me!" Her scream, a desperate plea for salvation, echoed amidst the darkness, a haunting crescendo before the cruel silence of the eldritch nightmare claimed another heroine. The discordance of suffering played on, and the eldritch dimension bore witness to the violent end of a once-vibrant defender, leaving only echoes of her last words lingering in the suffocating air. The darkness, indifferent to heroism, closed in, consuming the fallen heroines in the void of an unrelenting nightmare.


After a while, the tendril-filled entrance was slashed open by DekaBreak and his weapon. The room fell silent as he stepped into the eldritch corridor, expecting to find his fellow Dekarangers. To his shock, the lifeless corpses of DekaYellow and DekaPink were still held up by the terrible giant black spikes, their frozen expressions haunting reminders of the nightmare they endured. Recalling his earlier declaration of revenge against the poisonous Hades House, Tekkan's voice echoed through the dimly lit space, a fierce reaffirmation of his vow in the face of the insidious forces that had claimed his comrades.

"I swore revenge, and I won't rest until this Hades House pays for what it's done!" he shouted, his voice filled with steely spirit and rage.

However, in the midst of his defiant proclamation, DekaBreak failed to notice another spike lurking beneath the floor, a silent menace awaiting its moment. With a sudden and brutal force, the giant spike shot out, piercing Tekkan between his legs. The merciless spike lifted him off the ground, leaving him suspended in the air, his feet no longer able to touch the cold, unforgiving floor.

DekaBreak's dialogue erupted into a cacophony of loud, frenzied, and violent screams, his panicked words jumbled in the face of the excruciating pain. "No! What the—agh! Someone help! I can't... I can't believe this is happening!" His desperate cries reverberated through the corridor, a stark contrast to the earlier silence that had enveloped the grim scene.

The vile spike drilled deeper, mercilessly piercing through Tekkan's spandex-clad heroic form. Agony contorted his toned body as he writhed and twisted in a desperate attempt to ease the excruciating pain, but the torment only intensified, deepening his horror. Amidst the unbearable suffering, his dialogue became a jumbled, frenzied discord of anguish, each word a testament to the torment echoing through the eldritch corridor.

"Ah! No, please! Make it stop! What is this... this madness?" Tekkan's desperate cries reverberated through the grim space.

In the relentless grip of torment, DekaBreak's squirming form involuntarily released his weapon, the once-mighty tool of justice now falling away. As the spandex-clad hero witnessed his weapon slipping from his grasp, a chilling realization gripped him with horror. Powerless and disarmed, a desperate voice echoed through the eldritch corridor.

"No! Not my weapon. I can't... I can't defend myself," DekaBreak's voice quivered with both physical pain and the dread of vulnerability. The eldritch forces had stripped him not only of his physical defenses but also of the symbol of his heroic resolve, leaving him exposed to the merciless onslaught of the malign spike.

In the grip of unrelenting pain, nothing mattered to Tekkan Aira anymore. The relentless torment shattered his memories of heroism, leaving him engulfed in a haze of suffering. Amidst the excruciating agony, his voice erupted in a frenzied, panicking symphony of pain, each word a jumbled testament to the overwhelming torment he endured.

"Ah! What's happening? I can't... I can't remember! The pain, it's too much! Someone, please, make it stop!" Tekkan Aira's desperate cries echoed through the eldritch corridor, lost in a chaotic sea of anguish. The echoes of past victories and the stalwart defense of justice faded into insignificance as the merciless forces sought to break him, leaving only the haunting refrain of his frenzied, pained pleas in the haunted chamber of the ever-expanding, ever-consuming Hades House.

In the midst of his torment, DekaBreak found himself lured by another dangling evil black apple offering by evil hands, its false promises whispering temptations that his jumbled mind struggled to comprehend. His dialogue, already a chaotic discord of pain, became even more disoriented as the insidious allure of the poisonous fruit played tricks on his fractured perception.

"What's this... apple? Maybe... relief?" Tekkan's jumbled words reflected his inability to grasp the true threat, his mind ensnared in the twisted illusions woven by the eldritch forces. The false promises dangled before him, exploiting the disarray of his thoughts as the Hades House reveled in its wicked manipulation of the once-mighty defender's psyche.



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